Lucky her

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Karma's POV

I was sketching, again. The same thing over and over again. I think i have about fifty identical drawings about the exact same landscape. I just can't forget it, after nearly ten years. 

I heard the doorbell but maybe it's just the neighbore again asking for some sugar, so i pretended to be invisible,but then i heard her voice screaming my name "KARMA!!!" I rushed to the door and as i turned the doorknob, my heart raced like a horse. I took a deep breath and opened the damn door. Seeing her face again made me tear up a bit, i gave her a tight hug and closed my eyes at the same time just to feel the moment. I slowly opened my eyes to feel a connection, there he was, behind Ivy. I haven't talked to him since i moved out. He was smiling and at the same time his eyes were wet and a little bit  red, i could tell he was holding back his tears, so i smiled back to let him know that it's okay, and then he poured his tears. My twin has always been a crybaby, some things don't change, don't they? Ivy opened her arms to let me go. "Come on in."i said drying up my tears.

"Thanks, Karma i really appreciate the fact that you welcome us with open arms."i didn't really mind.

"Just come in Ivy." i whispered without knowing.I invited them in, like if nothing happened. It felt right.I told them to take a seat in the living room while i make some tea.

"Here you go, a cup of tea and some chocolate chip cookies." i said.

"Thanks, sis."My twin replied with a small smile on his face knowing that i baked them.

"So why are you paying me a unexpected visit?" I asked, dying to know the answer.

"I'm sorry Karma, we should have warned you that we were coming. Are you busy?"He said. 

"Not really, i was just distracting myself."

"I'm here to apologize to you. Karma, we used to be bestfriends, and now i feel like we should close the issue and restart."

Suddenly, flashbacks came to me. " I HATE YOU IVY" I screamed on top os my lungs back when i was 16. To be honest i missed her so much. I hate that i loved her for being so reckless, we were so young. After ten years of regret, i realized that forgiveness is the solution to this mess.My response to her sorry was completly honest and came from my heart.

"It was a longtime ago, let's forgive and forget. Don't you think that it's best for us be friends again ? i missed you so much, i can't believe that i graduated high school and spend 4 years of college without you and that i beggun my adult life without my one true bestfriend. I regret many things, like not understanding you in the first place and being selfish. I should have been like Kahil, always kind , understanding and open minded. I'm sorry."

"Sugar you just got all the pain in my chest away! I feel better now that we're okay, how about we bring back our wonderful memories so we can have a new fresh start?"

"That sounds great hun, but we should tell her first why we really came to do"Kahil said to Ivy. 

"So tell me lil brother, what would you like to tell me? Make sure these are great news because last time you told me something important i had to transferred schools."

"Again, Karma, i'm really really sorry for all the trouble" I could tell that he meant it.

"We're good lil bro don't worry, after all you just ruined my teenage years."

He looked at me terrified, and then he laughed and so did i. Ivy smiled so bright as always.

"Just kidding!" i said out loud.

" Yeah i figured that out, sis"

" So lil brother, tell me."

" Should i do the honors?" He asked Ivy. 

She nodded her head, approuving the action he was about to make.

"You're just 3 minutes older  so stop calling me baby brother or lil bro, because i'm a man now, and i'm getting married... with Ivy. We're engaged." He told these words, looking straight into my dark eyes.

" I saw that coming you now? I'm so happy for both of you."

" And we would like to invite you to our wedding on august 16th of this year, as my braidsmaid. What do you think huh?" 

As her braidsmaid? WHAT?!?! I mean why me? i understand that we were bestfriends and all, but... i even unfollowed her on all social media but I was really happy, but still couldn't smile without faking... why?

"Ivy... I'm honored. Thank you for choosing me." Lucky her , i thought to myself, i wonder when i am going to get married. 

"Remember those days in LA..." We sais at the same time. 

Flashbacks came throught our minds...

The air, the people... i miss living in Los angeles. 


Hi sweeties, I hope you enjoy Lucky Names!

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 buhbyeee my lucky loves!  

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