Hair salon

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'Nala, wake up love its 9:45am' my mum said poking her head through the door. I groaned and rolled over, letting her know I was awake, stretching like a cat. Throwing off my covers I grab my red fluffy dressing gown and head downstairs for breakfast. Jace is led on the couch with Butch his Rottweiler, texting his latest fling probably! I grab my cereal and smoothie and sit down to fill my stomach.

Thoughts of Colton enter my head and I feel special again, he wanted me. Jas had booked her hair appointment and we were going in at 11am to get her sorted out, I guess I am excited to see if she becomes one of us. My phone buzzed, disturbing me from my thoughts and I glance down at it;

"Where are you Kitten?"

Shit, Colton told me to be there at 8:30 sharp! He's gonna be mad and he'll hate me, oh no! I rush upstairs to my room and throw on my blue push up bra and matching lace thong before grabbing a top that is classy but hot before searching for my jeans. I know Colton said wear the skirt but I'd rather die than be seen in public wearing that. I cant find my jeans anywhere...crap, I left them at the house.

"I thought I said 8:30? I don't like to be ignored Kitten"

Stuff him I'm not going, I said I'd help Jas so that's what I'm gonna do. I'll get my jeans another time, leggings will have to do for today. Grabbing my purse and my keys I jog down the stairs and out the front door. Jas is waiting for me on the corner of my street, I smile as I approach her, linking our arms as we head towards the salon. 'You excited? Decided on a colour yet?' I ask as we walk down the street. Jas looks down at the floor and then back up at me
'Yeah, I'm gonna highlight it blonder I think and get the extensions so my hair reaches mid back. Like Kaitlin's length I guess. I hope someone wants me after all this!'
'I'm sure they will Jas, you're awesome!'
'You excited to see Colton again Nala? He was soooo in to you!' Jas squeals as we near the salon. I smile and giggle a little
'He said to be there at 8:30 but I overslept and then realised he has my jeans and I promised you I'd come so he can wait, he will have to deal with it!' I shrug it off as we walk into the salon. Jas sits down in the seat and starts to explain to the woman what she wanted done while I look through a hair magazine. As I flicked through the pages something caught my eye, the model had hair a similar colour and length to mine, dark brown and down to her lower back but the difference was she had subtle red streaks in it. I got up and spoke to one of the stylists, showing her what I wanted. 'Sure thing sweet' she chirped as I sat in a chair and prepared myself for my treatment.

'There we gooo!' My stylist said as she finished curling my hair. I look into the mirror in front of me and oh my god!
'I love it! Thank you so much!' Looking over at Jas who had a similar expression to me while looking in her own mirror my jaw dropped. 'Ohmigod Jas you look so hot! That suits you' I gush rushing over for a closer look. Jas looks at me, a glint in her eye 'You really think so!?' I nod enthusiastically heading to the counter to pay the woman what we owed. Getting my change we head back out onto the street and we began the walk home in awed silence.

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