A homecoming

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she had the baby she had longed for, not that she wasnt content with just her daughter ,her little princess and little buddy,but she wanted to extend the  love in her heart   to another child, and give her daughter a sibling.

So home they came, after quite a long stay in hospital following the longed for baby boy developing an eye infection.But there had also been a problem, with her she had developed a cough, and told it was a side effect from the operaion and would clear.Strange as no one else she knew on the ward had developed a cough and gone through the same process when having their child.

Anyway,at last they were home, and life was good, she began to relax and learn again what it was like with a tiny baby and this time hoow to share her time with also her little daughter, she found it strange, the need to somehow cut yurself in three so ach pperson in  the tiny household got an equal share of her, the baby, the daughter and now the son.

three days had passed and she was seen by the midwife, declared back to normal and fit and healthy once more and told to enjoy her new family at last.Life resumed, daughter went to school, and husband back to work.

On the fourth day of the homecoming she notticeed her cough began to get worse.As she lay on the sofa watching the news play on the television, she began to cough, only this was like no other cough she ever had, she seeriously began rasping and struggling for breath,thank heavens for her husband, who immediately called for an ambulance.

That evening she was rushed into the local hospital wheeled in and straight into the ressusitation room, given a spray under her tongue and drugs to help her breathe.On oxygen mask and the radiographer on call raced to give her a scan, to check for a blood clot on her lung.As she lay there struggling with gasping breaths and oxygen mask on she was scared as only a few days before Tammy Wynette had died of the same thing.

Finally they took her to a ward and pumped oxygen permanently to her.Husband left to go home and look after the baby who had been cared for by the grandparents.

Its pneumonia, he was told, and she was too weak to argue, she lay in the hospital bed for a week before being discharged despite feeling no better and feeling they had got it wrong.Hadnt  daugther got pneumonia a few yeas previously and this was nothing like that.

So home they went ,another homecoming, and husband had to move the bed downstairs as she felt too weak to climb the stairs and care for the baby.

two weeks later she struggled for breath again, and this time, she was rushed in to hospital again by emergency ambulance and this time a letter from her local doctor, saying he suspected her heart was failing.

so this tme they took what was wrong with her seriously, and gave her a MRI scan to try and assertion what was wrong.This time a consultant decided it was her heart and she needed a special diagnosis as this was extremely rare in a otherwise fit and healthy 37 year old.

They gave her an option, to fly to the heart speialist hospital or to go by land, either way she would have a police escort.so she chose to go by land, she always hated helicopters and figured if she was going to go she would go with her feet on the ground raher than scared witless in the sky.so off she went.

Leaving behind her little girl, the son she had just had and wondering what was ahead of her next,How had it come to this, all the years of wanting  a child and now when he was finally here, why her she asked herself, what had she done to desrve this, and why couldnt they just give her a few pills to fix her, aftr all they werre doctors werent they and everyone knew that they made you well again.

She made it to the other hospital, and was taken straight to intensive care,which frightened her and made her realise hoow sick she really was. Only 20%of her heart was functioning as it should do.

They gave her some drugs, and one made her hallucinate, she saw numbers in the room where she lay,freaking her out,they vvery quickly gave hersomething to make the numbers disappear and husband was told, by the end of that weekend, they would be either seen her through the worse or it would mean a heart transplant.Just llike that, that was how they told her,like she had a tooth that needed pulling and she would be fine.

What had started as a nightmare was getting worse. 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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A homecomingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें