Chapter 2 The Tour

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( A/N
Author: "This is gonna be um good I hope."
Allen: "Don't worry Author-chan you'll be fine just have confidence."
Kanda: "Che Author don't u dare make me Kiss this damn short stack."
Author:*cough* "not yet"* cough* "don't worry Kanda your not in this chapter either so just be patients your time will come soon anyway on with story.")

-Normal POV-
Lavi walked down the halls dragging poor Allen behind him. Pointing out everything and describing it in way to much detail to even notice how pale Allen looked. And Allen just sighed he was starving he skipped breakfast just to get here on time. But Lavi just kept rambling on as Allen moaned out loud and the after that Allen belly rumbled incredibly loud. And then Lavi turned around to look at Allen then he looked out one of the windows and stared at the sky.

" huh that's strange I don't remember there being thunder in the weather forecast today." Lavi said innocently Allen was shocked speechless and He blushes furiously. Lavi looked back at Allen to see his face was red like really red " Hey Allen are you feeling OK wait don't tell me your scared of thunder." Lavi asked curiously worried.

Allen practically wanted to die right there on the spot as his belly rumbled again. This time even louder than before and Lavi looked out side again. Then looked back at Allen to see Allen staring at him intensely but still red in the face " No well yes I am scared of thunder but what your hearing isn't actually thunder its um it uh you see." Allen was finding hard to tell Lavi that it was his stomach making the noise.
Lavi just looked at Allen "well Allen if it not thunder the why are you red and what is the noise then." Lavi crossed his arm and looked at Allen confused thinking that Allen might have gone insane Allen was embarrassed and angry.

"OK ITS MY STOMACH YOUR HEARING NOT THUNDER AND THE REASON WHY MY FACE IS RED IT BECAUSE IM REALLY EMBARRASSED ABOUT IT NOW CAN WE PLEASE GO AND GET SOME FOOD" Allen realised he had been shouting this and stopped "I mean can we please go and get some food now because i skipped breakfast and I think I might die of starvation." (I mean no offence in this to those ppl In Countries with very little food) Lavi burst out laughing and had to hold his sides from laughing so hard. Wiping the tears from his eyes he looked up to see Allen dramatically collapse on the floor like a drama queen.
After picking up up Allen who was surprising really light Lavi ran to the canteen for food because of course Allen was hungry so food was perfect and Lavi was right because as soon as they enter the canteen Allen smelt food and jumped right out of Lavi's arms and ran to the the cook.

-Allen's POV-
As I ran to the cooks window to order food I was greeted by a man with dark skin and pinky purple hair "Hey there you must be the new boy oh my god you're such a cutie pututy" said a very happy Cook.

I bowed down and introduced my self "how do you do sir my name is Allen Walker." I said politely.

"Wow everyone check put the manners on this one what a gentleman so Allen Walker you hungry anything you want." My mouth dropped open when the cook said that in wasn't sure but I was pretty sure I was drooling.

"Absolutely anything I want well OK then I want potato gratin, fries and rice pilaf, mabo tofu, beef strew, meat pies and fried rice, fried chicken, a salad, some scones, Korean barbeque, tom kha soup, white rice and ramen and for desert I'll have mango and sticky rice with an order of migarashi dango oh make that 25 of them" I smiled sweetly thinking of all the food I just said.

"Uh you sure you can eat all of that" asked the cook.

"Of course I can I mean for some reason I have a big appetite and I'm not quite sure why. My Guardian Cross said something about innocence but that doesn't make sense so I just left him talking to himself." I mumbled and just shrugged my shoulders.

My sweat dropped when Lavi piped up behind me damn he should learn to give a warning before he starts talking. "Hey jerry can I have my usual please" Lavi said a bit to loud that it echoed throughout the canteen.

"Sure hun let me just make little Allen's over here first" jerry smiled at me and got to cooking and about three minutes later it was done and it smelled so good and looked even better okay it was official I was drooling.
I carried my tray over to a table lucky enough the canteen was empty apart from a few scattered teachers eating lunch. Probably because they have to do detentions or have to keep an eye out for students during lunch. But I was lucky there was no one else in here so I guessed it wasn't the schools lunch time yet. Lavi walked over with his tray and started to talk while I ate.

-Normal POV-
"OK so tomorrow you start your classes and don't worry I'm in your home room class anyway so don't be worried that you won't know anyone OK." Lavi said happily between mouthfuls of food Allen just nodded shoveling food in his mouth.
Allen looked up when Lavi was silent and he looked up to Lavi looking at him curiously. "um Lavi are you OK your staring at me." Allen said a bit worried.

Allen just looked at Lavi his head tilted slightly to the right "Well i
was wondering why you had an eye patch over your left eye I mean. I saw a picture of you and well your hair was covering both your eyes so. I wanna know why you have one unless of course its personal then I won't push the question I mean look at me I have one too."Lavi said half innocent half joking and Allen turned away and stayed silent as he ate his food.

-Allen's POV-
The rest of the day was me and Lavi hiding from, the students heading too their next class and to go to lunch. Also before i forget to mention a day filled with Lavi way to detailed tour of talking torture. By the time it was done I was extremely tired and was, heading to my room I bumped into someone but I didn't looked up and I mumbled a small apology and kept walking. I was tired, hungry and I had a headache to go with aching legs " note to self never let Lavi take me on another tour." I never realised I was talking out loud and I didn't realise I was being watched either as I walked to my room.

(A/N comments please)
Author: "this is tiring I'm in the middle of the summer holidays and my mum is waking me up at seven every morning to baby sit my little brothers."
Lavi: *hugs author-chan* "don't worry things will be OK"
Author:*hugs bk* " I hope so"

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