Advice no:8

42 6 0

Stop the malice

Allah ta'ala, has blessed another sister financially or spiritually,she is now a change person,she is looking more gorgeous, That sister is happy now she wears what you cannot afford.

So you telling yourself i wont talk to her, she will think she is better than me,she is now feeling herself. Sister where is your manners?

Where were you when she stood up for tahajjud, asking her lord for same blessing all night, where were you when she is going through her test silently with sabr waiting for Allah ta'alah to change her life. On your bed soundly asleep! And now you are not talking to her because she is blessed while you are not.

Dear sister, don't you know that Allah will blessed you with same thing she has or even more you just have to ask and wait patiently and he will grant you. instead of keeping malice be friends with her and learn more about her relationship with her maker.

If you read books i think you might have come across the incidence that happen between Maryam daughter of Imran(a.s) and prophet zakariyya. It's also mention in the Qur'an (suratul Al'imran).

One day prophet zakaria(A) visited her in her mihrab(a sacred place in the masjid mend for her) and zakari(A) is noticing that food is coming from somewhere and that food is out of season.

So back then they didn't have refrigerators so it's not possible to store food that is out of the season at that time. So zakaria (A) is wondering, "what is going on here?"so one day he asks her. He say,

(Qala ya maryamu annalakhi hatha)

"oh maryam! Where is this coming from? Who is giving this to you? (3.37)

Maryam (A) responds and says,

(Qalat huwa min AAindi Allah)

"it is from Allah."(3.37)

( innaAllah yarzuqu man yashao bighairi hisab.)

"Allah gives to whom He will
Whenever He wills."( 3.37)

Notice that Maryam(A) and zakaria(A) has an understanding of dua here. Maryam(A) does not claim that to have a special relationship with Allah (S.W.A) where only she can ask Allah (S.W.A) and be giving.

She is saying to zakaria(A) that Allah (S.W.A)gives to whomever He wants whenever He wants so you should call upon him and ask Allah(S.W.A) for what you desire. That is something very, very beautiful because zakaria(A) did not say make du'a for me.

(Hunalika daAAa zakaria rabbahu) (3.38)

Zakariyah understood the dawah of Maryam(A). He got the message,"you know i should ask Allah(S.W.A) even if it seems improper, I should ask Allah (S.W.A) for that child."

So zakariyah goes and he makes his qiyamul layli( Night prayer) and Allah (S.W.A) grants Him what he grants him.

Such a beautiful story, isn't it? Ask what you want and Allah(S.W.A) will surely grants you that. So there is no need of keeping malice and been jealous of another sister. You only get sin there and she will keep going Forward. Use that time to search for your own happiness.

Jazakumullah khairan

Please remember in your du'a

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