Giggle Girls first mission

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"Ok Lil your training has been working up to this moment I can't help you now so your on your own from this moment ok." "Diana but what's happening?" "Well Lil if you must know there was a robbery down town by a very well known villian his name George O Donnel." "Dy he's Gregory's brother!!" "Who??" replied Diana. "Ughhh!! you don't understand....." Yelled Lilly-May. 

"Dianaaaaaaa Gregory's that hot guy from church!!!" "Lilly-May it doesn't matter about that George is a villan you have to go anyway." "But Dy." "Don't but Dy me just go quickly!"

Lilly-May used her super speed to change into her costume "Giggle Girl away" she yelled and said back "My leaving phrase is a work in progress.." "Lil just go" they both yelled and "We'll speak more about dinner" later yelled Oliver.. Diana then hit Oliver and said "She's only 14." "Wait really??" Oliver replied... 

In the sky around high street 

"Keep calm Lilly-May just remember your training breath in and out in and out." "Okay there he is." Giggle Girl then landed behind George O Donnel. "Hey George you have something that doesn't belong to you". "Well they've started using little kids what has this world come to??" replied George. "Oh I know you didn't just call me a little kid I am 14 years old I'll have you know!" "Oh I do apologise you just look..." before I go on I'd just like to say our hero doesn't like negative comments about her height so that has a real impact on what happens next. 

"EXCUSE MEE!!!"  replied Giggle Girl, "Well I just called you TINY!" "Well I'll have you know that no one and I mean NO ONE calls Giggle Girl TINY!!" also George went on,"What kind of name is Giggle Girl it does sound quite childish." "Oh you want to knoww what kind of name heheheheheeh" She began to Giggle. 

"Well Miss would you like anything, anything at all and I will give it to you!" "Umm well I would like that bag of money you are currently holding in your hand" Giggle Girl said using a flirtacious voice. "Of course beautiful I will give it too you I would lay down my life if you were to be my girlfriend I would love you forever." "Oh that isn't necessary just the money please and wow you're so sweet." 

5 minutes later 

Giggle Girl coughed "Over here boys" she yelled. "Wait what happened?" "how'd you get the money ??" "Well George thats for me to know and you to find out also officer permission to hit him in the face." "Well Miss it is usually against our policy but since you stopped him from getting away with £6000,000 I will allow just this once." "Thank you and umm George" "Ughhh what is it." With all of her strength Giggle Girl punched" "George in the face and then yelled as loud as she could THATS FOR CALLING ME TINY YOU IDIOTIC MAN!!!!!!!" 

"Anyway officer I really should be going" Giggle Girl said calmly. "Of course Miss but before you go who are you??" "Well I'm Giggle Girl of course when ever a robber decides to take his chances in a bank, a shop or even a jewelery store I'm only a giggle away. Even if someone decides to take hostages if all he wants is to be heard I'm only a giggle away. If anyone needs help fullstop I am only a giggle away."  "Wow we are eternally greatful thank you so much we've been trying to catch this guy for the past 5 years." "It was my pleasure officer but if you don't mind I really should get going people to save giggles to have you know same old same old." "Of course Miss thanks again." "Your are most certainly welcome."

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