part 19

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"There's no point of taking a shower now" you think "I'll just take when when I get home"

"Now. What should I wear for our date?" You go to your closet and look through your very little  dresses that you have. You take out a white one with blue palm trees at the bottom.

"This should be fine" you think. Your phone vibrates

"Hey" your friend texts you.

"Hey" you texts back

"Whatcha doing?" She asks

"Prepearing for my date" you type but do not send.

"Should i tell her?" You think . For some odd reason you decide not too. You delete the whole sentence

"Nm. U?" You text instead

"Just in the library doing stuff" she answers

"Cool" you send

"Mom!" You call your mom.

"Yes honey?" She asks

"I'm leaving now. Bye luv ya" you tell her and close the door and head out. You lock the door and look back down at your phone.

"Is everything ok? You sound like your not in a good mood" your friend  asks.

" I am in just not in the mood of texting to ttyl" you answers

"Ok. Bye " she texts. You were about to text "bye" back but you bump into someone wearing a mask and cap
(A/N- Pls don't ever walk and texts at the same time. It's dangerous.)
And you drop your phone the screen facing the floor. The stranger stops and picked up your phone slowly

"not a lot broken" the stranger says in a broken English as he hands the phone back to you. There was a small crack at the side that wasn't so noticeable. You exhaled in relief

"If bad I can new phone to you" he tries to say.

"He's definitely a foreigner. Ooooo maybe he's Korean!" You think "let me try"

"Thank you so much, but I don't need it" you say in Korean.

"How'd you know I'm Korean?" The stranger asks in Korean. He pulls you into an alley way and pulls down his mask. It was Sehun from Exo (A/N- UB!) "You know who I am?"

"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!" your mind scream "3 Kpop idols in less then 1 week. Y/N your litterly the luckiest person a live!"

You didn't answer him and just steered at him and smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes" he says "if you meet any of my Hyunas please don't tell them you saw me. They will get mad if they knew I left the hotel room without any of them. They are very protective over me"

You nod and he smiles at you

"Thank you" he says and he turns to leave

"Wait. Sehun" you call after him. He turned to look at you "2 things. #1"

you stop and take a black Sharpe out of your gym bag and hold it out to sehun

 "can you sign my phone case?" Sehun takes the Sharpe out of your hand and takes your phone. Your phone case was just a bunch of groups logos on a sunset back ground. Sehun signed it where there was no logo

"#2?" he asks

"Pull up your mask" you answer

"There can be some crazy fan out there that might recognize you"

"Thanks!" He says. You give him a small bow and he walks away.


"Taemin!!" You call running into the room and jump onto him. He almost fell over from the force.

"You are in a good mood" he says as he peels you off of him " well in a better mood then today morning"

"Well I did meet-" you stop because you remember that sehun asked you not to say anything "I met my best friend from middle school!"

"Oh that's cool" He says

"Just kidding!" You sorta lied. "Um I'm happy because I get to be with you for the rest of the day" and that wasn't a lie

"Really?" He asks

"Yeah!" You answer

"Ok then. Me too" he says.

"Oh that's good. I thought that it was only me like I was thinking like what if he just ask out of putty cuz I can be weird at times and you-"

"She srsly needs to shut up" Taemin thinks. He looks at your lips and smiles.

 "-at's if Kai and I/N would come along and then you know we wou-" you stop because an unexpected force hit your lips. Then you realize it was teamin.

You were about to explode for the 500000 time today.
You wait a few seconds and put your lips together because Taemin missed a little and was only kissing your top lip. You close your mouth and kiss him back.

He stops kissing you and moves away

"One minute" he says. Taemin gets up and closes the door. Then he walks back to you and you guys continue kissing.


Hey guys I'm in camp right now but I'm going to publish this when i get back since I don't have internet

Hello ppl I'm back from camp. I've written over 1000 more words while I was there so look foword to reading it
Luv ya guys 💕

Let's dance (Taemin x reader) (Ft. Kai And Sehun From Exo) Where stories live. Discover now