Just Saying, I hate 1D

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OK, if you cant tell by the title if the Chapter, I hate 1 Direction. For some reasons, here are some.

1. The way they Think they look and What they wear:

They are so conceited!! I mean, in one picture, Louis' hair looked like a cinnamon bun, and in another, Harry looked like... His hair was crazy, I mean, he even had a head band on! Zayn, sure he's kind of cute, but I just hate Niall. No questions asked. I just hate him, ok?

2. Their Music:

Their newest song Story of My Life, My mom and I think it should be in the movie Frozen, Because it's all like,

" in time... I'm FROOOOOOOOOOZEN." Yeah, I didn't memorize the song, so don't blame me if I get anything wrong, mmmk? Good. Plus, more than 100% of their songs are the most annoying ones, but the most catchy ones. Anyone else can relate on that? I don't know so drop some comments! And last, but not least,

3. All the Fangirling.

Who gets annoyed when people are all like,

" OMG, that concert was amazayn and it was so hilariam and OMG, did you see Harry's hot face when he fell off stage?...

Who finds this annoying. They basically dedicate their lives to 1D. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but in some Insta bios, the people are like, Nialls mine, Ok?

( my Instagram is dakotabarker4)

Question of the day: What's your favourite Movie?

Mine is the Hunger Games, Possibly Divergent, I haven't seen it yet lol.

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