the outsiders,

226 19 12

When you're in the room, you get my eyes

-single, the neighbourhood

School was boring. Classes were boring. The people were boring. But lunch time wasn't so boring. I had just finished writing my essay for english on Lord of the Flies and I walked out of the classroom half running to my locker. I spotted Sadie and started shouting her name but got quieter when I saw she was leaning against her locker playing with her bright red hair, talking to her crush, Caleb McLaughlin. 

Caleb's one of the, if not the most popular guy in school. He always walks around confidently and with a smile on his face with his amazingly white teeth showing. Just that smile could get anyone's attention, especially Sadie's. It seems like he has hundreds of friends as he's always laughing and talking to someone in the hallways and today that someone was Sadie.

I didn't want to disturb her because I could tell she was really happy and I didn't want to ruin her moment. So I got my stuff and headed to the cafeteria. As I was walking I spotted guys staring at me and blushing when I caught them. I smiled to myself and looked down. 

Do guys really like me? 

I knew this wasn't a good time to let my thoughts get the best of me so I kept walking until I saw my table and my friends sitting at it. My group of friends was quite big I guess but not everyone is really close. It consists of Sadie, Noah, Maddie, Jaeden, Wyatt, Sophia, Gaten and Caleb occasionally when he isn't busy talking to some girl. We call ourselves the outsiders. We're the kinda friend group that would go to the bathroom just to smoke and get caught, to all get suspended for a few days. But we'd get through it together and that's what I liked about us. We're mysterious but interesting. I guess that's what people find 'cool' about us.

I got my tray with a bowl of fruit and whatever the cafeteria had to offer today and headed to the table, holding my tray tightly, cautious of it falling. My curious self was looking around about to sit down next to Maddie when I saw Finn sitting on a table by himself, minding his own business. He was reading a book and had his black sunglasses on, almost so people wouldn't look at him in the eyes. 

After admiring him for a what seemed like ages, I turned my heels and walked towards him. I could hear whispers from the table with my friends. "Millie?" Maddie screamed. I wanted to turn back but I ignored her and kept walking towards Finn Wolfhard's table. It's not like it was the first time I ignored her. We fight a lot, Maddie and I, but she knows not to mess with me. 

When he realised I was walking towards him he lowered his sunglasses and stared at me almost laughing. "My my my Millie Bobby Brown how may I help you?" He said smiling. Out of nowhere I could feel myself sweating and starting to get nervous. "Fi- Finn Wolfhard. I was just wondering if this seat was taken?" I hesitated pointing at a chair in front of him.

"Hmmm no I don't think it is unless a pretty, popular girl decides to sit down." he said confidently. Satisfied, I sat down and rested my chin in the palm of my hand. "So what can you tell me about yourself?" I asked pretending to be confident, as our roles were completely switching. Suddenly, he seemed like the bad boy that you see in movies and I was the nervous loner that didn't like talking to people. 

He was proud of himself, I could tell. "Well what do you wanna know? I read and I don't talk to people. Isn't it self explanatory?" he became aggressive towards the end and I was taken aback, not expecting him to be harsh all of a sudden. "Oh ok... What are you reading?" I asked hoping it would lift the mood. 

"It." he announced holding it tightly in his hands, showing it to me. "Oh I love that book!" I replied trying to stop smiling. "Really?" he said excitedly. After that we wouldn't stop talking about it, lunch felt shorter than ever. I was really glad we talked and I got to know him a little better. He wouldn't tell me much about his personal life but I do know enough for us to talk again. Maybe.

He stood up first, I had science next and he had art. "I hope to see you around Mills." he said smirking. He slid his glasses up and left. I was left smiling at myself like an idiot. He said the same thing I said on the bus the same day and I was thrilled he remembered. 

Is it bad? That I want to get to know him that much?

I mean it's not my fault he always appears in that dream.

Maybe it's fate.


hey hey, okay I wrote this ages ago but I was too nervous to update, im so sorry it's so short like actually i'll try get better i promise and i'll try make it more interesting this is kinda just a filer chapter. anyways a massive shoutout to poppy for helping me with basically everything you're the best! Go check her ig out it's finnasferret. anyways i really hope you enjoyed this chapter and it would mean a lot if you left some feedback!!

-v xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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