Jojo x reader

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I walk home by my self and I just have a feeling that there I can relax so u hurry home. Besides my boyfriend is cheating on me with my BFF and I just let him walk all over me like that well I wouldn't if I had a place to go to. I sigh as I walk home and carry my fav book. I've been hearing about a man that killed his father and tried to kill his brother his name was Dio Joestar. I saw it in the newspaper. I decide to investigat and find out more cause a hole house woudnt have burn down not one that as been there for years.
I then over hear a bunch of girls and I hear them talking about a new boy who goes to our school.

    "He is so hot!" I heard one say.
    "I know right he can ride me all day!" I hear the other.
    "What's his name?" one asked the other.
     "I think its Jonathan Joestar he likes to be called Jojo...."
     "What else?"
     " Well he was almost killed my his brother Dio Joestar" I gasp as I see them walk away. 'So I can ask him questions about what happened but I need a discise...or else he wont answer me....hmm...oh that's it I could be a police officer! But I dont have a uniform but I can buy one...'
   I look up a website and I smile as I find the right size suit and ill get it tomorrow which is good cause it will be Saturday tomorrow. I think for a minute before I was pulled away from my thoughts....

   Cliff hanger lol ill get on to the next one cause I dont think it would be fair to u guys so see ya

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