Go Time

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"We need faster cars." Han said getting out the car.

"Tana. Can we try your car?" Gisele asked.

I tossed the keys over my shoulder and went back to studying.

"Adrianna. Take a break. Go try it." Han said pulling me up.

"What are you studying?" Brian asked.

"Everywhere Reyes guys go." I said getting up.

Gisele tossed me the keys and I went hopped in the car.

"Go." Dom called.

I drove and got it.

"You can use the car." I said tossing the keys back to Gisele.

"Santana? Are you feeling okay?" Brian asked as they all got worried.

"I'm feeling fine, but this right here is not making any sense to me. Like they are planning something." I said looking at the map.

"Yea planning to kill us because they know we're coming." Rome said rolling his eyes.

"Not only that." I said unsure.

"Well come ride with us. We are going to get some invisible cars." Dom said patting my arm.

I got in the van with them. Gisele dropped us off at the police station.

"Be safe Tana." she said softly.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded climbing out.

I jumped into Rome arms. He sat me down and I hot wired the cars.

"Come on. Ride with me." Dom said opening the door for me.

"See you." Han smiled.

"See you." I smiled back.

"I know how you feel." Dom said as he pulled out.

"But how are you feeling? I can get over it." I lied.

"No you can't. It's been almost two years. I'm still grieving myself, but I have to be happy because I know she wouldn't want me to be unhappy all the time." he said glancing at me.

"It's hard because of all the people I lost so close to me." I sighed.

"Well just know I'm always here. I promise. You are like my sister and I don't like seeing you upset." he said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Anytime." he smiled back.

"Let's race. Next two lights. One hundred thousand." Rome said.

"Like you have a hundred thousand." Brian smirked.

"I will if we pull off this job." he smirked.

"Make it a million. Cause if we don't pull off this job we're dead." Han smirked.

"I'm a bad bitch. They can't kill me." I sassed.

They smirked at me.

"We talking or we racing?" Dom smirked.

Before the light turned green Rome had pulled off.

"Cheating ass Rome. Like always." I shook my head.

Dom let Brian win and smiled with my thumbs up at Brian. He didn't know but he was happy.

"He let you win." Rome said as Dom walked away.

Brian face dropped and I giggled walking away with Han. I thought about my map and went back to it.

"Where is Mia?" I asked.

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