Meeting your Angel

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Word Count:1215

Your POV
      You park your black ram truck in the driveway of your bright yellow house. You step out and dig for your keys in very very messy purse, when you finally found it you almost jogged into your house for a well deserved rest after your 8 hour shift at the hospital. You were a general surgeon almost always on call for emergencies, rest was rare. You walked up the stairs to you bathroom to take off your makeup and take down your tight bun from the last surgery you had performed. You took your makeup wipes out of your small cupboard over your toilet and took your very little amount of makeup off. You slipped into your silk pyjamas and rolled into bed. You lived alone, no people or animals lived with you. Your shift was so long you could barely make friends. Your mother died cause of liver cancer and it was at the hospital you worked at, your dad left after that he couldn't bear watching you go to the place your mother had died. You were alone, that was the last thing you thought before you fell asleep.
Morning *Your POV
*ehhh ehhh ehhh
"Uhhhhh" you groaned. 'It must be 5.' You thought to yourself, now your shift begins. You slump out of bed and into your slippers. You walked to the bathroom where you then see what you had to work with that day. "Oookayy..." You said to yourself you rubbed your eyes and looked in the mirror. There wasn't one blemish or any bags under your eyes that morning so you didn't bother to put on anything. You brushed and put up your H/C hair into a ponytail. "I'll put in in a bun later." You walked out and slipped into a tan v-neck shirt and black comfy yoga pants for work. (Just till you change into scrubs) You got some money from your underwear drawer and grabbed you purse and ID card and left for work. You got into your B&W this time and pulled out of your driveway. You pulled into Tim Hortons (For Americans Dunkin Donuts) for a Coffee and Breakfast Sandwich. When you ordered and got your food you began your journey for the hospital. You looked at the time "5 o'clock, perfect." You pulled into the reserved parking lot for staff and walked into the hospital entrance. You greeted the receptionist and walked into your locker room. You were just about to go change when your co-worker ran into the room and yelled "DOCTOR Y/L/N!! YOUR NEEDED IN EMERGENCY IMMEDIATELY!" You ran as fast as you could to emergency and lying on a emergency bed was a beautiful man with forest green eyes hooked up to as many wires as a human possibly could with a gushing torso wound. His, I guess, brother was freaking out, his long brown hair going everywhere. He was huge about 6'4 and running everywhere. "GET HIM OUT NOW!" I yelled across the room. The man on the emergency beds eyes were moving everywhere his face slowly paling. "Sedate him" The nurse sedated him and his breathtaking eyes shut. I immediately rushed him to the OR (operating room) the nurses and other non important surgeons rolled him into the OR while I scrub in. I run in and quickly start cleaning up his wound and checking for organ damage. "His stomach is lacerated!"(Cut) I start packing it and sewing it up. Blood starts to fill his face again. I breath a sigh of relief. Somehow, it's like I knew him, even cared for him not in a loving way but like a good friend, brother even. I shake the feeling away and scrub out pulling off my gloves and bloody body cover. I go to the locker room breathing hard knowing I have to see him again, get that same feeling of care and compassion again. A nurse interrupts my thoughts. "Doctor Y/L/N. A patient would like to see you." I was over to the door and take the elevator to floor 8 Room 814. I arrive at the mans door. "Hey sir, what do you need me for?" "Hey Doc! Names Dean Winchester. Thanks for helping me out." "No problem Mr.Winchester just doing my job!" A tall man arrived with two coffees. "I'm sorry sir Dean can't-" "I know, it's for you!" "Thank you, very much! Sorry didn't catch your name." "Sam Winchester and you are?" "Y/F/N Y/L/N" "Nice to meet you" Sam hands you the coffee and you take a few sips. It's just how you like it, black with no milk or sugar just plain. You talk and talk to the Winchesters for a half an hour more and a shudder ran through your body. A tall man with tousled black hair and tan trench coat arrived in the door way as he stepped closer, which seems like a million years till he did, you noticed with sharp blue eyes shining bright. "Dean are you alright?" This man had a extremely deep almost, rumbling voice. You found it quite attractive. "Fine Cas. This fine lady fixed me up, hey doc?" "Sure did, you should be good in about 2 more weeks." Cas's head tilted, almost like a dog when confused. You grabbed Cas's shoulder to guide him to a chair to sit. At that second a almost 8 foot pair of raven black wings appeared and knocked you over onto a table. From below you noticed the beautiful purple sheen coming from Cas's wings. Everyone one in the room looked deeply confused. "Y/N! What just happened?!" Sam asked in a very concerned tone. "I-I- I don't know!! Is anyone else seeing this?!?"
"Y/N! What are you talking about??" Asked Dean. Thoughts were racing around your head like bees cause none of them knew what was going on. Except Cas. He had a slight smile on his face looking down at me. I slowly got up and said. "There's a HUGE pair of black wings coming from that man!" Sam and Dean looked at each other smirking. Cas was looking at you too. "Y/N. We need to talk"
After giving whole hunter speech
"Okay, I kinda always believed in that stuff but never knew people hunted them. That must be hard!" "Y/N this is a very prime example!" Dean said with sass with made you laugh. "Ok back to why I can see them and you guys can't" "Well I've been looking into the Men of Letters archives and it says angels only show there wings to one angel or human who are there soulmate." You gasped at those words. This 'angel' was gorgeous! How were you going to empress him? He looked at you with his loving blue eyes his wings tucked neatly behind him. "Would you like to run away with me?"

Hey guys sorry that was pretty long if you want it shorter just comment and give me recommendations for the next few chapter or what you want you and Cas to do and if I have any words incorrect comment on that paragraph and point it out please and thanks!

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