"Run away with me?"

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*WARNINGS:Extreme feels, mild smut
Word count:701

    "Wait wait, what?!" "Run away with me." "I- I have a job a life!" Castiel puts two fingers to your forehead. "I sense your alone and want someone to love you." He wraps his wing around you causing shivers to run down your spine. "I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" "No Cas its fine." You look at him with care. "Okay love birds get a room." "Jeez Dean!" You laugh and sit down on a chair next to Sam. Castiel slowly follows. You guys talk for the next hour, the boys didn't know but Castiels wing was wrapped tightly around you the entire time.
1 hour later
"I must go check on my patients." You said with a frown. You and Cas were far gone from talking with Sam and Dean you and him moved to the hall to talk. "I can heal your patients so you won't have to worry when you run away with me." " Castiel I still don't know about that, I just met you." " I know you did Y/N! But haven't you been feeling the same way I have. No matter who you meet there's always a whole that has to be filled? You fill it for me Y/N your my one and only!" You laugh and hug Cas after a few seconds he hugs back your there for what feels like a million years. You close your eyes and breath in the smell of his trench coat. A hint of cologne and some sort of smell that is original to him and him only, and you loved it. When you opened your eyes you were in your room with a leather suitcase packed and everything you would need inside, it all was new. "Cas you didn't need to do that for me you know!" You say smiling. "If you don't mind Cas I'm gonna go get a few shirts of my own." "That's okay Y/N." Your run into your closet packing a few flannels and comfy t-shirts. You walked to the suitcase on your bed and neatly folded the shirts into the suitcase. You went to get some pants and your toothbrush and you were done packing. "Ready Y/N?" Castiel asked. "Yeah seeing you got mostly everything I need already in there." You laughed a little. Cas tilted his head in confusion, you loved when he did that you thought it was adorable. You looked away and closed the suitcase, you grabbed his hand and he flew you both to the bunker. "Wow, this is amazing Cas!" "It's Sam and Deans, its a old Men of Letters bunker." You walked to one of the two large tables and set down your suitcase. You breathed in the old dusty smell of the bunker and Cas just stood next to you in awe. "Y/N." You snapped your head around to look at him. "Your beautiful." You immediately started blushing and pulled Cas into a hug. "Your beautiful to Cas." You couldn't see it but you knew Cas was smiling into your shoulder. He pulled away and showed you you and Cas's room. "Is it alright if we share? I can sleep on the couch if you want." You looked around at the huge room with a king size bed and huge bathroom with a shower and jacuzzi. "Yes Cas I think it could fit both of us." You said with a smile, Cas smiled too taking your suitcase and laying on a table next to the door. "I'm gonna go get a shower okay? I still smell like hospital." "Of course Y/N." You walked into the bathroom looking at the huge bathroom you had to yourself. You sighed and turned the shower on the hottest it could go. You quickly stripped and got in, you got the soap and started washing your body when you heard the door open. You quickly jumped around and opened the shower door to see Castiel just standing there looking at you. "Cas what are you doing?" "Looking at you." He said like it's something he does everyday. "Sam and Dean aren't home you know."
Hey guys the next chapter is all smut so if your under 12 then skip the next one I'm telling you! This will be my first time making smut even though I've read it a couple times so comment so I know how it is!!!

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