Chapter 4

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Carlos's (Pov) 

We waited for about ten or so minutes before an extremely annoyed Mak came marching out of Ursala's muttering about hooking people, wands, pirates and shrimpy. Wait hooking people? Wasn't that what Harry Hook did? That did NOT sound good. We had to run along side her considering how fast she was walking. 

When we finally made it to our hideout Mal had nicked seven bottles of paint, two almost fresh apples four necklaces with arrows and shoved past or pushed over twenty six people! TWENTY Six! It was like she was going back to Rotten to the Core. When we got inside Evie started to asking about what happened and honestly I had almost forgot about Ben.(almost) "Where do I start Evie? Well first of all We half to go back to Auradon, um... oh we can't get ben back till tomorrow and we half to get fairy godmother's wand or Uma's going to throw Ben over board." "What!" The three of us said simultaneously. "We half to do What" Evie said "Um... well we had an arm wrestle and Uma surprised me with her Side of the deal in the middle of the match." Mal said "So now we half to get FG wand." "WHAT!!!"  We all said in union " we half to get the fairy godmother's wand!" Jay said in shock. Silently I agreed with him cuz honestly the last time we tried to do something like that Jay almost go us all arrested if it wasn't the fact that I was able to prevent that from happening. 

We finally figured out that we could create a fake wand and give it to Uma instead. So while Jay and I went back to Auradon Mal and Evie stayed on the Isle and created smoke boms as diverges when we rescued Ben.

We were in so much trouble. Not only did Chad find out that Ben's missing but now Lonnie's coming! Mal's going to kill us!

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