chapter fifty six of my story... "my depression is gone... for now"

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so I'm guessing you're all wondering "what could have happened to such a lovely person to become so broken?" Well this is my story which will tell you all about why i am a such broken teenager... 😕💔

i'm sorry it's been a while since i last wrote one of these, it's been hard when my family keeps threatening to kick me out if i don't behave.

the reason why i'm writing this right now is because i noticed myself that my depression is getting better or gone, i don't really know why it's just stopped but i know when it comes back i won't be able to handle it... oh i changed a few things about me, i am now non binary, i identify as they and my hair is now purple, i have got a tad skinnier because of the vegatarian thing but i'm getting better at eating now. 

i am somehow a lot happier because i let all my emotions and feelings out when i was drunk on thursday lol.

 "i am somehow a lot happier..."

welcome to my story...💔

•xoxo charlotte•

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