Victoria Pov

302 7 3

I dont feel so good,  ive been vomiting for a three weeks. I decided to text to Logan. 

Me: Hi.

Logan: oh hey

Me: how r u?

Logan: Fine and u?

Me: I don't feel so good,  I've been vomiting a lot lately .

Logan: Oh maybe u should go to the doctor or take a pregnancy test.

Me: Do u thnk im pregnant?

Logan: Maybe ,when was the last time u and Isaac did it?

Me: um three weeks ago, why?

Logan: Just asking , anyway im coming over with an pregnancy test.

Me: Ok,  but what about Aurora she is three weeks old.

Logan : its fine Lamer is taking care of her.

Me: ok where is Zac?

Logan: He took Spike (his dog) 4 a walk Anyway I will be there in 20 minutes.


20 minutes later.

Me:ok its now or never.

I was done peeing on the pregnancy  test and me and Logan are waiting 4 the results.

im nervous and excited at the same time because i want be a mom to he/she but im scared of what will happen

Logan: the results are in.

Me: *takes a deep breath *  its.....


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