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"Home! My home!"

Lightning struck and revealed the dilapidated home. The same threshold but broken now. A bat flew out the very moment. The wooden beam that held the roof creaked and the characteristic smell rot greeted her nostrils.

"This was my home!" Avishi cried out. The rumbling from the skies drowned her cry. It had happened that night too! The torrential rain, the lightning and... the masked killer! Avishi found herself stepping back. Rage replaced everything. All her life the nightmare had haunted her. The masked killer. The serpentine scar. Fresh wound on his hand. And lightening in bits and pieces. Like one possessed, she walked through entrance, her pace unhindered by a couple of tumbling bricks.

"What took me away from here?"

"Destiny." The voice behind her was low, yet compelling. Unaffected, yet grave.

"Who is that?" Avishi's hand closed around the dagger that hung to the copper girdle around her waist.

The eyes— blood shot yet kind eyes, unkempt hair and that ever-ready smile. The man was a complete stranger and yet that gleam in his eyes, as though she had known from a long time.

"My Little Queen! Don't you recognize your 'elephant'?"

An unknown voice sounded from the depths of her mind. Another tiny voice answered.

"I am the Queen and you will be my guard!"

"No. I will be the Queen's elephant."

Avishi saw him beam. Like he used to. A lone tear pooled in her eyes.

"Loha!" She gasped and approached him. "Loha, my elephant! Are you for real?" In response, she felt him stroke her hair and nod. "This was my home before I landed in the forest school of Naimisha! No! You took me away from that masked killer. You saved me!"

"Your home, this city has waited for long, Saukratavii, daughter of the kind Sukratu!"

"Saukratavi, Daughter of Sukratu!" She repeated and saw him nod. "Sukratu was my father! I had a father!

"A very loving one. Gentle, loyal and unfortunately...naive." Loha sighed. "Who was killed in cold blood and then branded a traitor."


The man sighed clenching his fists. "The tales that spread around the city." He shook his head. "Easier to spread when the dead can't defend themselves."

Avishi looked around feeling the stab of pain and bereavement. "Father Sukratu! He was caught in a conspiracy?" She saw him nod, this time, pain erupting on his face like it did on hers. "He left that day. And never returned. I remember everything now!"

Avishi collapsed on to the floor. The dust stuck to her clothes. It all pieced together now. Her nightmares, Maharishi Vahni's instructions, her journey back to the neighbouring Ashtagani! The rivalry! Like it was all meant to happen!

"That masked assassin who attacked me. You know who he is... don't you? He should have something to do with the conspiracy!"

"You know him my child!"

Avishi stared at him, shaking her head only to get an emphatic nod in response.

"You know him too well to not recognize! Those fourteen years of wait was not for nothing!"

Her eyes closed. Her fingers curled. Her lips quivered and then pursed to suppress the sob that racked her whole self. "The monster! He...he... I shall..."

"Patience child! You know he is too powerful."

Avishi looked up, her heart aching for Loha's voice. But the blackened wall stared back at her.

Leaping to her feet, she looked around. He was gone! Her saviour, her guardian was gone!


There! Posted on Wattpad after ages! Hope you liked the prologue guys. Let me know how it reads. Shall post the Chapter One soon. 

If you want to know who Avishi is and who her enemies are, why not hop on the Kindle Sstore and buy my novel?

See you soon!

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