Chapter One

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Thirteen years before at Vrishabhavati

"I am the Queen! This will be my throne!" The seven-year-old chirped leaping from the middle of the porch towards the broken mortar which served as a mock throne. "You will be my guard!"

"Guard?" the man pondered scratching his unkempt beard.

"No." He shook his head and smiled seeing her indignant eyes. "I will be the Queen's elephant." He beamed.

Sukratu stepped out of the house to see his daughter in action, perching herself on the tramp Loha's back, pretending in all earnestness that he was her elephant. He smiled and was about to set out for his duty as the night guard of the King. A sudden lightning appeared in the eastern skies. Sukratu had barely walked a few paces when a deafening thunder made him instinctively turn towards home. He heaved a sigh, finding Loha shielding the girl as if he would, his own child.

"Father, don't go." The girl pleaded.

Sukratu smiled and shifted his gaze towards the sky. He saw dark clouds loom over the city. The monsoon winds had started to make their presence felt. He had to reach the palace soon. "Isn't my little Queen brave?" He called out.

The girl nodded. He saw the fear fade. From her eyes. From her heart. She knew she was the queen! Pride filled his heart. His mind ached to stay home but duty beckoned. Tearing his gaze away from the one he treasured the most in his life, braving the drizzle that would soon turn into a storm, he unwillingly walked towards the King's residence. Sukratu's house was in the third ring of the concentric structure of Vrishabhavati. In the centre, was the structure, that served as the residence of the king and as the centre of all trade activity of the city. Here no wealth or goods could change hands without the king's knowledge and approval. The residences of the noblemen formed the two rings around it. The guards and soldiers forming the outermost circle with the citizens living around them.

As per the protocol, Sukratu approached General Ugra's residence quite ahead of his reporting time— an hour before the moonrise. He walked into the empty courtyard. But the rain made it impossible for him to stand there any longer. He knocked at the giant wooden door fervently. The doors creaked as a strange woman clad in a dark indigo garment opened them and glared at him with a frown on her forehead.

General Ugra, Sukratu knew was never faithful to one woman. His superior's romantic exploits were not his concern either. But something about the woman at the door disconcerted him. "Please let General Ugra know that..."

"He has already left for the palace!" The woman frowned before attempting to shut the door.

"What? How ca..." Sukratu's words hung in air as the door slammed on his face and the woman disappeared from his line of vision all of a sudden. Something did not feel right. He knocked at the door again. Firmly this time, as though seeking answers. Any change in the reporting time would have been announced the day before and he remembered that nothing of the sort had happened. His knocks went unanswered. Frowning and muttering under his breath, Sukratu hurried towards an empty cowshed three houses away from Ugra's place hoping to catch his companions who he knew would be equally surprised.

The first to arrive was Khela, the eighteen-year-old guard, holding a metal shield above his head. The newest addition to the King's guard, Khela was related to General Ugra and Sukratu felt that his position in the King's guard was largely a result of undue favours that Ugra showered upon an otherwise impudent boy.

"Sukratu! By the great Varuna, I should have come to you earlier!" Khela hurried towards him. Pausing for breath, he added. "Our platoon has been given a relief tonight! It was a sudden decision and I personally informed all the others."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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