Before you read

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Hey fans of Teen Wolf! Before you meet the cast of this story, there are a few things I would like for you to know. This story will be based off of Teen Wolf's story line, but I am making some changes. The first part of the timeline I'm changing is, Allison did not die. If you watch the show you'd know that Allison passed away in Scott's arms after being mortally injured by the oni. In this version, Scott was able to take Allison's pain and get her to the hospital to save her life. Second, this story is set years into the future. Scott's pack has families, they all have solid jobs, and the super natural has taken a small break from terrorizing them. Lastly, since this story is set in the future it will not take place in Beacon Hills. It will take place in a small town called Lodestar. Scott and his pack were able to finally leave Beacon Hills and have a "fresh start." But, after years of the supernatural waiting for there moment to return, what better night to do it then the total solar eclipse.

I hope you all enjoy this spin-off version of MTV's Teen Wolf and as, always remember to watch your pack.

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