Chapter 5

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"Evannn! You better get back here, right this instant!" Mark shouted, from a few feet behind.

"Fuck no." He muttered to himself, as he kept running.

"Evan, if you.. st-stop now, we'll only beat you up, instead of doing the other stuff we planned" Jack tried to bait him, but Evan wasn't having none of it.


"Come on Evan! Just let us beat you up a little, that's all we'll do!" Felix begged. "R-right guys?" He quickly added.

"Right!" Ken and Jack agreed, but their leader thought otherwise.

Mark growled, before telling them to shut up.

Evan just kept running, no matter how much they tried to trick him.


Running and running all day, better have gave him some muscle. Evan chuckled and turned down another turn.

He came to a full looking, junk yard and decided to hide behind one of the large trailers that was parked there. He quickly ducked behind it and sat down, finally resting his aching legs. Looking up at the sky, it looked way darker than it was earlier. Pulling out his phone, he checked the time and his eyes widened. It was now 6:59! He really has been running for a long time, hasn't he? It's definitely been the longest he's ever ran before.

Catching his breath, he peered around the side of the trailer, to see them walk through the entrance.

"Well Evan.. You dragged us all the way across the whole city! I hope you're proud, because I'm definitely going to be proud, when I'm pounding your face in, and abusing that virgin hole of yours!" Mark shouted out, making his loud voice echo.

Evan shivered out of fear, he really was afraid of what they'll do to him once they finally caught him. He could basically hear Mark's voice ringing in his ears and the smirk in his voice when he said the last sentence. He for sure, would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified right now.

"You hear me bitch?" He asked, with venom lacing each word.

Evan didn't dare respond, soon enough they'll find him on their own, even if he responded or not.

"...Go find him." Mark spat and turned the opposite direction of where he was currently hiding.

He watched as the three left over boys went in their own directions. Felix went towards the middle, Ken went up to the very back of it , and Jack stood by the entrance.

There doesn't seem to be another exit, so I guess I'll just have to run pass Jack before anyone else realizes too. He thought.

Making sure he knew where everyone was, he prepared himself for the upcoming events that was probably going to be the end of him.

He took a few breaths, in and out. And started counting down...


"Evan, come out, come out, where ever you areee." One of them sang creepily.


"Come out already, you little bitch!" Another one shouted, not too far away anymore.


"I swear, when I get my hands on you, I'm going to make you wish you were dead!" Mark definitely said that..


They're getting closer..


I'm running out of time!

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