[10] she has what?

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I try to open my eyes but the lights burn my eyes so I decide to keep them close but close by I can hear faint voices, I feel my hand getting squeezed lightly and I think I know who it is. I listen in on the conversation between the doctor, Jacob's parents, and Robert but I can hardly hear them as they whisper, All I made out was "symptoms" and "stress". My eyes finally adjust to the lights and I open them slowly, Austin flinches when he notices I'm awake. "Your up." He happily sits up straight and holds my hand tighter, I nod too weak to talk, he calls over the doctor and the adults, I notice Jacob stand up from a chair where the adults just were and they all just crowd around me. "Ali, dear, I called your father, he's on his way." I slightly smile still feeling weak, I give up and just stay put looking around.

"What's wrong with me?" I ask weakly, quietly looking at the adults then at the doctor. "You just have Anemia, you need to take care of yourself and get sleep. we'll keep you here for another day so you can gain your strength back and when we get the right medication for you." I nod looking down at the hospital blanket covering my body and my body heats up, I start to feel nauseous again but I don't faint this time, I push the blanket off of my warm body and everyone looks over at me confused. "Are you hot, dear?" I nod to her too weak to answer, I definitely can't talk with my dry mouth and when I try to talk my vocal cords just stop me from trying so I just make a movement to Mrs. Butler, trying to ask for water then after a few minutes she understands what I'm asking for, I sigh in relief quietly, softly.

She steps out of the room going down the hall then coming back with a cup of water, I hold my throbbing throat as I take a big gulp of water and I feel relieved, now I'm capable of letting out a quiet sentence. "Austin," He looks at me quickly moving closer so he can hear me. "When did I faint?" His face gets all red before he can answer my question and I tilt my head slightly. "You don't remember?" I look at him then somewhere trying to think hard about what happened before I passed out but all I remember before that is me... ohhh.. that's awkward.

My face turned into a deep pink as I realized what I did before I passed out, he slowly sits back down slouching in the chair and staring at me."You know," Austin scoots the chair closer to the hospital bed,"my mom had anemia, that's how she died, I'm scared I will too." I explain to him quietly and he looks down for a second. "I won't let that happen." He squeezes my hand tightly then kisses the back of my hand. "...I love you." My eyes grow wide while I stare into his beautiful blue eyes, I smile brightly at him with my eyes softening and try my best to squeeze back. "I love you too."


"Take good care of yourself and don't stress yourself out, have a great day." The doctor says as my dad opens the door for me and I thank him. Austin, Jacob, and the other adults step out but we all come to a hault, I look at my dad about to ask him but he already knows what I'm going to ask before I ask it, he nods coming over to me and hugging me tight. "Enjoy the last month of vacation until school starts back up again but please do take care of yourself. I love you honey." He kisses my forehead, waves bye to everyone then leaves with only that and I smile looking back at the happy boys that rush over to me. "Yay, he's letting you stay!!" Jacob happily states picking me up hugging me, Austin clears his throat waiting for Jacob to let go of me.

Jacob sets me down gently and walks down the steps then over to the car, Austin pulls me close to him and kisses me passionately, I kiss him back with no hesitation. He pulls away looking into my eyes and holding my face in his hands lightly, he kisses me all over my face and I giggle uncontrollably. "C'mon lovebirds." We stop and hold hands walking over to the car, we all get in the back and I sit in between Jacob and Austin. The whole car ride was quiet until Mr. Butler decided to break it by asking what we wanted for dinner. "I'll eat whatever." I comment then suddenly feel Austin's breath on my ear, "I'll eat you." A tingle rushes down through my body and I blush a bright red, I cover my face to make it less noticeable. I don't even send him a glance, I just hide behind my hands and I hear him chuckle deeply sitting back watching me as I try to hide my flustered face.

"Yea same." Jacob states simply looking out the window not paying us any mind, I look over at Austin who is still staring at me. "What?" He just simply shakes his head, "I didn't say anything." A smirk shows up on his face and I turn my head away from him looking at Jacob, Jacob looks over at me with a questionable look and I just stare at him shaking my head, he furrows an eyebrow before looking out the window again.

The rest of the ride home was silent, but not when Austin would occasionally look at me or touch my thigh, by the time we get back I'm as red as a tomato. We all get out of the car and make our way up to the house."I'm making dinner, any request Alison? You get to choose cause of all the hospital food you had to eat. " I laugh when Mrs. Butler makes a funny but disgusted look as a joke, Jacob rolls his eyes and goes into the living room.

"I honestly don't mind what we eat, as long as you are making it.","Hey! That's mean!" Mr. Butler complains, crossing his arms and stomping his feet. "You don't remember the last time you made food for Jacob and I? You BURNT the chicken then forgot to put the cheese in the macaroni and served it to us anyways." We all started laughing, Jacob made his way in the room and started laughing too. "I remember that, like it was yesterday. But we were literally ten years old."

I look over at Austin who looks upset and I walk over to him and I wrap my arms around his waist looking up at him,"What's wrong baby?" I ask concerned and he looks down into my eyes, he wraps his arms around my waist and shakes his head. "It's nothing, babe." I tilt my head in doubt and guilt, he looks away from me to look at Jacob then the parents. I turn my head and see Robert leaving, I look directly at Austin. "What's going on?" I asked setting my hand on his cheek softly, turning his head in my direction so he answers and looks at me. He looks me in my eyes again, "Mrs. Butler, if you'll excuse us, call us when dinner is ready please.","Yes, of course dear." I grab Austin's hand as I drag him all the way upstairs to his room, I close the door and sit him down on the edge of the bed. I crawl in between his legs holding his thighs as I look up to him, waiting for an answer.

"What's wrong?" I look deep into his deep blue eyes and he opens his mouth to speak, "My father," I rub his thigh trying to comfort him and I nod to him letting him know he can continue. "He started smoking again, he got so upset over the divorce thing that he decided he could take all the pain away by smoking and drinking, I just cant be alone with without getting yelled at cause he's either stoned or drunk, sometimes both." A tear starts to form in Austin's eyes as he speaks but he wipes it away quickly. "I just can't deal with him on top of dealing with my mom blabber on about how my dad was never good to her even though they were happy at a time, yes my dad was never really there for me at some point in time but he still tries even if it is hard to take care of a 17 year old boy."

I stand up looking at him and I sit on his lap, cupping his face in my hands and making him look right at me. "Austin, I know you will get through this, wanna know why? Cause I'm here for you and I always will be, dont ever think otherwise, okay? you got it?" He looks into my eyes with happiness then nods leaning in and he kisses me, I kiss him back letting go of his face and wrapping my arms around his neck, he rubs my back as he continues to kiss me. Our session comes to a sudden stop when Mrs. Butler calls out for us telling us dinner is ready but Austin doesnt move, I decide to get up but Austin stops me and flips us over. "Like I said.."

"You are my dinner."

KaaaaaBOOM!! Heyyyy guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you are happy that I'm updating quicker than I was before :) well I want to finsish this story before the end of July for Wattys 2019!! Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy what I have in store for you guys and just to let you know, I did NOT leave you on a cliff hanger here, I'm just not gonna put a freakin nasty scene up in here, this is a CHRISTIAN HOUSE hold, I'm just kidding, but I don't do nasty scenes in my stories unless it turns into a show or movie. BUT I really hope you enjoyed and that you will stay tuned for the next chapter, it will be coming soon. Have a WONDERFUL day everybody and dont forget to smile!!:D Love you guys!!



My Best friend's Cousin | Austin Butler | ✔Where stories live. Discover now