Chapter 1

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Oswald was feeling smug as he strode into the GCPD, an invitation to the opening of Oswald's clutched in his hand and a smile on his face.

He quickly hurried straight over to Jim's desk, excited to share his success with his friend, but as he made his way through the building Oswald was certain he could feel eyes following his every movements.

Oswald made an effort to ignore his first instinct to flee. He was used to relying on his ability to exist unseen by those who should be more aware but figured the new right hand of Don Falcone would certainly draw attention walking into a police station from both civilians and GCPD staff alike.

Oswald smirked "I guess I should start getting used to all the attention, it's only the beginning after all"

Oswald was honestly shocked when he was able to reach Jim's desk without being accosted by the man. Despite the corruption running through the very veins of the GCPD, he was always terrified that one of his fellow officers would find out about their little arrangement.

Jim would usually come running to drag Oswald off into some dark secluded location before anyone either saw them together or noticed he was here to see the detective. Oswald found his naivety sweet, as the majority of his fellow officers were either on Falcone's or Maroni's payroll and wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.

Oswald realised quickly as to why the detective hadn't come running. He was neither at his desk or appeared to be anywhere in sight.

Oswald stood for a moment, tapping the invitation in his hand, as he went through the other locations he might be able to locate the laconic detective.

Oswald was trying to decide whether to just leave the invitation on Jim's desk "It wouldn't have that personal touch, nor truly reflect my appreciation" or if he should head to his apartment "But that would mean risking bumping into Ms Kean again" When he noticed he was being intently observed by an odd looking man in what Oswald couldn't help but observe was a horrifically unfashionable suit.

The man stood on the upper landings of the GCPD holding a file which he feigning interest in, and failing miserably. Despite the ruse it was clear his focus was intent on Oswald, as he would nervously glance away whenever Oswald made eye contact with him.

Oswald was unnerved by the strange man's interest, it was so vastly different than any type of attention he was used to. It wasn't envy, disdain, fear or revulsion. It was so singular and focused, as if the man was seeing past his facade.

Significantly unnerved Oswald began to make his way away from Jim's desk, watching the odd man the entire time.

To Oswald's annoyance the man began to follow him, increasing his pace to keep up with Oswald's and continuing his little game of glancing away whenever Oswald made eye contact with him.

Oswald could not fathom why the man was intent on following him and was feeling very uncomfortable being stalked by a man who Oswald felt met the descriptor of creepy, which said a lot given his known associates.

Oswald had headed for the GCPD front counter hoping to dissuade the man with the central and highly populated area of the station. When Oswald paused at the GCPD front counter rather than be deterred the man's man placed himself alongside Oswald, standing awkwardly pretending not to be interested in the man he had clearly just chased after.

Oswald snapped, he was not going to be intimidated in this fashion, and turned to confront the stranger.

"Can I help you?"

However rather than answer the question the man responded in the most bemusing fashion

"I don't think so. Can you?"

This could be the start of a beautiful friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now