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After having processed a 3 months heartbreak, from a guy whom I thought would be my first boyfriend but later found out he had sex with my "friend"  - I decided to from now on finish school first before I would start dating again (just as my mom always wanted me to).

Summerbreak was just over and I felt goooood. New hairstyle, bodygoal reached and filled with the holy Spirit.
I was motivated to be a nerd in my new school. 
#NoBoys #studyingonly

Yepp it didnt went as planned but we'll get there.

School had just started and I noticed that I had some handsome Black guys there - all in different shades. 😍
But I decided to Stick to my plan and play cool.
I didnt have any lessons with any of them.. until I chose to be in the theatre group.
That's when I met him. Duley. A tall congolese, full of melanin with a bright smile and that 'Daamn girl, you fine' look.

I kneeeeew he was trouble, so I did my best to avoid being around him.
But the guy stubbornly tried to get to know me so he wents:

Duley: Hey... (Looks deep into my eyes) I didn't get your name when the teacher called you up

Me: Chanel (playing unimpressed)

Duley: Chanel.. (Smiles) nice to meet you. I'm Duley (shakes my hand slowly and continues to look me in the eye) your new here right ?

Me: obviously (smiles)

Duley: well if you need anything, let me know (leaves)

He continuesly watched whatever I did in class, which didnt bother me much I mean this is a poor way of trying to get to know s/o
I simply thought to myself :
Boyy you must be out of your mind thinking you can get to me like that.

But as I said - THE GUY WAS STUBBORN !

See guys, friends normally want the best for you but that, often times goes wrooong.

I'm a church girl. Sunday is churchday, and I rarely date because most guys or so called men are immature.
I don't feel like dating plenty of guys or gathering sexual experience gets me anywhere. So you know - I take my time.

My sister by another mister Mercedes on the other hand thinks, I will not find any man to marry if I don't get out of my comfort zone.
So guess what..

It was a rainy Friday evening, I was in Bed, chilling and listening to music, and waiting for Mercy (Mercedes) when I all of sudden get a text

Hey beautiful
~ unknown

Me: ? 

You not even going to say thank you ?

Me: thanks stranger😂 do you have a name ?

Guess 😏
~ unknown

Me: stop playing -.-

Ok ok.. one hint, I'm trying my best to get your attention, but your playing hard headed 👀
~ unknown

Me: Don't tell me your Duley ?

Duley: sorry to disappoint you, it's me

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