The storm

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"So Ross what did you pack?"Sky asked while sitting down next to me at a table in the food cart with his butter looking lunchbox ,shaped like a big butter stick."The normal,pancakes,peanuts and an apple juice box"(Who ever gets why i chose what he packed, you are awesome!)I said while opening my sloth lunchbox."Hay goat,hay Ross"Barney said sitting across from me."Hay Barney"i said taking out my juice box."How was your day dirt"Red asked while sitting next to barney.Know all were missing is Jin."It was fine apple"Barney said.(I love the nicknames)

Jin sat next to Sky with out a word.It's not like him to not talk....."You ok Kitty?"I asked."Max stole my lunch....Again"He said.We all sighed knowing Max always picks on me and Jin."Here Kitty you can have my jelly sandwich"Sky said while handing him the sandwich."And my peanuts"I said handing him the bag of peanuts."And have some goat milk"Barney said handing him the goat milk in a cup."Also have an apple.There good for you"Red said.Jin was smiling from how we were being so kind to him."Thanks guys"He said.We all were smiling.

We all were laughing and smiling while telling jokes and telling funny things people did."So i was about 5 when i asked my mom 'Whats an apple?'.So then she went in the white box and threw and apple at me.I caught it and took a bite.That was when i fell love with apples"Red said.We were all laughing how his mother just threw it at him."This is an announcement from the Mr.Pop.Every on besides me,Ms.cookie and Mr.cookie have not left the school because a huge storm is heading this way and we will have to stay in side for a couple of days so after the bell rings everyone go to the gym and i will tell you were to go and when to go were.Everyone stay calm you are comply safe" said from the speakers.Jin grabbed Sky's arm and gripped tight.Red did the same to barney.I didn't really care.I was stuck in a forest for three days without anything so i have to survive like the good old days."welp i will be in the gym.Come on Kitty"Sky said while standing up and grabbing his lunch.Jin never let go as they walked away."Me's to"Barney said doing the same and leaving with Red clinging to his arm.


"Look who finally made it"Sky said.I was still so confused why Max helped me."Why do you have that look on your face?"I didn't hear the person since i was still thinking but i just sat down on the floor next to sky and a random person."Ross!"Sky spoke loud in my ear."What was that for?"I said while holding my ear."You ok dude?Did max pick on you..."Kitty asked."No he did something that no one could think of"I said looking at all of them with a surprised look but also confused look."Go on"Red said."Well.....

Flash back

"Hahahah what a loser"Someone said and tripped me.I fell down on my back and hit my head.My lunchbox went flying upwards and hit me in the belly.A few seconds later max walked by and held out his hand."let me help"He said.The school bully is helping me?What happened to him?"Why are you helping me?"I asked trying to get up but instead falling back down.Max grabbed my hand pulled me back up on my feet and gave me my lunchbox."Because anyone can get hurt at any moment"He said while walking away to the gym.Why was he nice when he is the biggest school bully?

End flash back

"Wow he really did that?"Barney said but asked.I nodded.They all had shocked faces."He might change since we are in a position were we can all get hurt or die.He can become a good student and help people!"I said to them with a smile."Your right.He wont bother me or you anymore!"Kitty said with a smile.We all started to smile."That is plan for the days we are stuck in here.We have to get Max to become a very very good person good as we can get him."Sky said.We all nodded and put our hands in a circle.We all looked at each other."IHop!"We all whispered together while lifting our hands in the air but only a little.

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