Part One: William

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I have been enrolled into a project that I am very excited about, I have been waiting for my chance to show my boss what I am capable of for a long time and this is it. I work for a marketing company and we have been hired by the manager of a condom company to help them sell their product.

How you can struggle to sell condoms? I don’t know but I am sure they will have some shitty slogan or picture and that’s why it’s failing, that’s where I come in. I have been drafted in to make the product appeal to more than just men, women buy condoms too so we need to make them, I dunno less masculine I guess.

My boss has told me the manager of the condom company is called Tom Wilson, I even managed to find out that he is an openly gay married man. I am very intrigued and I wonder if he is hot not that he would do anything if he is married, it would be just my luck for him to be a god and I can’t touch him.

As we walk into the building I don’t know why but I was quite surprised at the lack of condom paraphernalia, for some reason I expected them to have huge posters or a cartoon condom in the lobby. Laughing at my own stupidity I followed my boss Norman into the lift and groaned when he pressed the top floor, I hate lifts I always feel very claustrophobic in them.

To my relief though this lift moved up at the speed of light and it was really cool because the roof was made of glass and there were colourful lights all the way up the shaft. Sort of like the Rockefeller centre in New York City maybe that’s where they had stolen the idea from?  Anyway the lift dinged to a stop and I followed Norman out and waited patiently as the secretary told Mr Wilson that we had arrived, I heard him over the intercom telling Daisy to show us in.

We walked in to a large boardroom and the table was big enough to fit at least twenty people and yet there were only three people sitting at it. There was two men and a woman sitting closely together, the woman looked young around my age. The man next to her was very old and looked as if he was almost due to retire, I wondered if that was Mr Wilson until Norman shook the hand of the man in the middle.


He was a god and my life is crap. He was tall, slim and although he couldn’t be more than mid-thirties his hair was mostly grey he pulled off the George Clooney look perfectly. His smart suit and crisp shirt and tie just added to the affect and I pictured how he would look without it. I was in a trance staring at him when Norman clicked his fingers in front of my face to snap me out of it, my face instantly turned red I quickly apologised.

Sufficiently mortified for being caught staring I shook his hand introducing myself giving him my full name William Mersey and he asked me to call him Tom instead of Mr Wilson. He looked at me curiously when I blushed again, eyeing me suspiciously like I was something funny on the bottom of his shoe. Not the start I had wanted, I had to show him that I am usually a lot more collected than this.

In the corner of the room I noticed an overhead projector and a flip chart so that I could do my presentation. I smiled at him one last time before making my way over to this to set up. I could hear Norman apologising for me saying that I wasn’t usually like this and Tom chuckled acknowledging that it must be nerve-wracking.

Little did he know that I wasn’t nervous in the slightest I was born to sell, what made me act like an idiot was because my mind filled up with pictures of him naked above me. When I was finished setting up I turned to address them to let them know I was ready, then with a quick nod from Tom I launched into my plan to turn their company around.

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