alien invasion part 1

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It was Sunday, and everyone was screaming and running around the black round object that had been hovering above the earth for last ten days was shadowing new Zealand the military plane zoomed over our heads. Then the military came into view, and all the men and cars came the chairman of the army was holding an object that looked something like a microphone. He then moved the object to his face, and I was right it was a microphone he adjusted a knob on the left-hand side. He then whispered something to his helper the helper fidgeted with the speaker. Then John the head of the military spoke "stay calm the military has this inconvenience under control just remain calm they might have come as friends" just as he said that the ship made its first to move and a shuttle flew off the side of the UFO. The monster was quite pale with a few green stripes running all around it their shape was somewhat of a Cyclopes, but the most interesting thing was that it had no eye or ear or even a nose all that was on its face was a mouth. 

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