There's got to be a morning

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He waited for her down the road. It was out of his own way but in public where nothing would seem odd about their interaction. So long as they behaved, unfortunately.

She woke, feeling refreshed and more alive then she had in a while. As she stretched her hand brushed a paper and it flew off the bed. She rolled over and picked it up off the floor to read it and she smiled.

"Dork..." she said to herself and climbed out of bed, showered and dressed. As she walked out the front door she called out to him.

"Cute note...dork...Where are you?"

He dropped down from atop the fence "always nearby. You can be sure of that. " he affected a small bow and came up with a look of mock offense. "Cute? That is...not what I was going for. Your assessment of the depths of my poetry wounds me"

He took her arm in a rather innocent fashion. "Now if I may escort you to work like a gentleman aught to." Seeing there was no one watching he put his arm around the small of her back

"I'm not one to brag but...have a pleasant evening?" His smile was all pride.

she felt a chill up her spine and the goosebumps on her skin. "My evening? Why...I have no idea what you mean my dear" she said mockingly. "Nothing eventful that I can recall..."

"you are cruel my lady." He was silent a moment. "Naturally, I would have you no other way." His nails played along her side as they walked, teasing her skin through the fabric as he bumped his hips along hers for a moment.

"Indeed? It must have been some other fortunate woman I brought to such heights of ecstasy last night. It was such a pleasant dream I was having. She moaned and arched her back for me just like you do. Truly, your loss. You were the one I had wished to share my gifts with."

She laughed quietly and enjoyed the feel of his hands gently playing with her skin. "Must have been... what a lucky girl. I am sure I will get to experience said gifts, knowing you." she gave an extra push with her hips to throw him off balance a bit.

He pitched forward and quickly swung around so he landed on his back with her awkwardly on top of him. "How very careless of me. It seems there is a sinister intent toward me this morning" the effect of having her on top of him was becoming rather apparent and to be certain she felt it as he pressed himself into her, his arm around her back in a mock attempt to get up. "You're not hurt are you my lady?"

He leaned in to whisper as he pulled them both to their feet "I would take you right here in the street for that my love, but people are watching." He lingered on the shell of her ear much longer then necessary before resuming their earlier pose.

"You are just clumsy I guess huh? No, I'm not hurt." her hair stood on end and she bit her lip to keep from moaning. "..I am going to be late..." she said and started walking again.

"We wouldn't want that. I myself am late reporting to the walls this morning" he followed beside her with his hands buried in his pockets so he could resist putting them on her again.

In the distance he saw her overseer standing outside the forge looking impatient. "Good morning master!" He raised his arm in greeting as he called out cheerily. "Just seeing your most precious cargo here safely."

Her overseer merely spat in the grass and went back inside as they approached. Clearly he was not fooling the man as to why he walked her to work nearly every day. Not that he gave a damn. Everyone in town speculated as to what went on between them and they couldn't possibly be thinking anything as explicit as the actual truth.

"Ah I think he likes me. Perhaps a bit". He held the back of his head and laughed at his own joke.

His face turned somber as they slowed and he brushed her hand a moment "this is where I leave you, for the moment. Reality is calling us away. It never gets any easier."

He hesitated a moment, unwilling to leave.

She paused at the entrance and turned towards him and looked at him with a smirk.

"You are always so dramatic..." she said and hugged him.

"I will see you later. You are not going to die so relax and go do something productive."

He smiled sadly "you don't know.." he looked up. "I promise my final thoughts will be of you dearest. If it happens." He smiled mockingly, to show he didn't begin to take this possibility seriously.

"Wait for me and if I don't return, weep for me." He dithered a bit before turning to leave, hastening but looking over his shoulder in a manner he thought wasn't particularly obvious.


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