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As I stepped down the steps of Scotts Academy, I turned to see the school where I had spent the past four years, learning. My best friend, Kaylee Renee, or, Kay Rae, was flipping the school off as a nice going-away-gift. I reminisced moments in my head. The time when Kay Rae and I were sent to the principal's office for setting a box of tissues on fire in class. The time Kay Rae and I were sent to the principal's office for telling a teacher to eat the little money she made working here because she, "looked like she needed some green to eat."

"Kaylee Renee Prescott, can you believe our final day of school was today? Coachella here we come. Key West, here we come. Not only to we get to say hello to these wonderful destinations, but we get to say goodbye to all of these horrid, stuck up, academically and athletically gifted, rich snobs we go to school with," I threw my arms up in the air and exhaled. Kaylee opened the door of my parents black Escalade, allowing me to get in the car first. The Bluetooth on my phone automatically connected and "Taking You" by Why Don't We began playing. Don't let me make Kay and I sound like we are broke and cannot afford this school. We have money, I'm just not rude because my parents make seven digits. Crazy how the world works like that now. 

"I am so hyped for Coachella. Have you packed? You know we leave tomorrow?" She shut the door and the car began moving. 

"Yes, of course I've packed. It's the biggest music festival of the year. So many famous people will be there!" I turned on my phone and opened Snapchat. Endless stories loaded of young adults' selfies with captions talking about how they were Coachella bound. Many of the famous people from when I was younger, about 13 were going. It reminded me of the days I used to obsess over Jacob Sartroius, Zach Clayton, and Mark Thomas. "Do you remember my Jacob days?" A smile crept upon my face as I thought of the times I went to his meet and greets and concerts. 

"Yes!  You were in his o.g. fandom. The Vine days. Oh, that was the best times," she laughed and opened up her Twitter. I looked back down at my phone. I saw Jacob's snap story and figured since we were talking about him I'd watch it. 

"Coachella, getting hot," he said as his newest music played. Always get that promo though. Maybe, Coachella '21 might me a little better than I expected.

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