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Voltron has consumed my life so here I am, a 16 year old, writing some spicy oneshots for you all.

This is a oneshot AU where Keith works at a flowershop and Lance is a customer. Let's see what sprouts from their first encounter ;) 

"Flowerboy!" Keith widened his eyes to the tan boy that related to the voice he heard.

Keith was in his teen years when he volunteered at his step-mom's flowershop. She was in need of a cashier and a helper as he was in need of a job. Sure she got more help as her business soon progressed but Keith liked working there. Most people would consider it girly but did he mind? He met a lot of nice people through the shop, one in particular.

Keith wiped the sweat off his head as he was organizing the flowers on their designated shelfs. He had just finished watering them as he heard the ding from the bells that notified someone had just entered.

"Hey how may I-" he was cut off from the sight of the boy in front of him. He was tall and lanky with tan skin and short brown locks of hair. The blue baseball tee he was wearing hugged his body nicely, sure he was skinny but he did have a bit of a build to him. Keith immediately recognized him as Lance McLain from his school he attended.

"U-uh hello." Keith stuttered, if only Lance knew Keith had the biggest crush on this guy.

"Yeah hi, I'm just here to get my mom flowers." The jockey-popular guy was right in front of him buying flowers for his mother.

So you're a mamas boy?

"What?" Keith widened his eyes, he said that out loud?

"Nothing, w-well you can find what you're looking for. Plants unrelated to flowers and vegetation is outside. Along with tools and everything else which includes seeds and such-" Lance cut him off looking around at everything but Keith.

"Other stuff? Isn't this like just a flower place or whatever?" He asked looking back at Keith.

"W-well yeah obviously it is a florist shop but my step-mom just considered adding other gardening items were a good idea." Lance nodded forming his lips in an 'o' shape.

"A-anyway." The nervous boy continued, "Flowers are in here o-obviously, they're ordered in color so you can easily pick from them." Lance admired the beauty around him. The walls behind Keith and the cash register itself had beautiful fluorescent paintings. There was also a little picture of a much younger Keith with a woman and a man.

"Alright well thanks." Keith nodded.

"We're short today because my cousin has a soccer tournament so I'll be assisting you for everything today." Lance nodded not paying attention to him.

As Lance looked around in deep-thought about the flowers he'd get his mother Keith admired him from afar. He was quite attractive he thought to himself. Lance turned around making Keith averted his eyes from him as he became a flustered mess.


Lance continued as he soon found what he was looking for. Seven white daisies in a bouquet caught his eye. Perfect. His mother adored daisies so this would sure please her.

"How much are these?" He held the flowers tied with a small ribbon and shimmery transparent plastic wrapped around it.

"Two ninety-nine." Keith answered. Lance wore a grin as he made his way to the register.

"Three bucks alright I got you Kogane." Keith widened his eyes looking up to Lance. 

"Wait you know my name?" He asked looking up to Lance.

"Well yeah you're the astronomy nerd of the school aren't ya? I have a soft spot for that space stuff." Keith blushed.

"Oh really? T-that's cool. But I do more of photography than that." Lance nodded.

"Would you do me a favor and capture my good looks?" Lance jokingly asked with confidence dripping from his words as he set the flowers gently on the countertop. Keith chuckled nervously as he rang up the price on the cash register.

"Three dollars is your total." Lance handed him the three dollar bills as Keith took it looking at his hands. He gawked at his slender fingers to his bone structure for a hot minute before putting the money in the cash register. 

"Well t-there you go." Lance smiled taking the flowers from the counter in his hands.

"Thanks pretty boy." With that he strode out of the store leaving a flustered Keith behind the register.

From that day on Lance decided to visit Keith's shop everyday. He'd watch on busier days as Keith would ring up items or communicate with his customers. Every now and then on days Keith would notice him and strike a conversation. Through their sophomore year Lance would never miss a day going to his shop.

Their junior year rolled around Lance noticed he had a class with Keith. Seeing the black-haired boy enter his classroom on the first day of school made him smile.

Keith never noticed Lance and Lance never had the courage to talk to him. What would other people say if he was talking to a nerd? Their senior year came and mid-year Lance decided to take a trip to the famous florist town shop which held his favorite boy.

Closed down.

Lance read the sign on the window and gasped.

"Closed down?!" What did that mean? Where did Keith go? Further admiring the paper on the door he read:

Sorry for the inconvenience, we have closed down due to family complications. If looking to contact any of the owners we have moved cities and no longer are in business. Have a good day.

He moved? Lance looked down at the daisy in his hand.

"Well, what do I do with this now?"


Here, he stood in Fresno, California his new home at his new university with the love of his teen years right in front of him.

"Hey flower boy, I found you!" Lance said cheerily with a cheesy grin across his face.

  To be continued maybe?? ;)

I'm writing something pretty langsty write now and considering whether or not it's good to post. If you'd like to maybe want something send me some request!

This was my first thing writing for Klance so I hope you enjoy it!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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