10 things Alyssa dislikes

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1.) Falling in love (because getting hurt makes my depression worse). 

2.) People being little shits to my family and friends. 

3.) People who one-up me or someone else. 

4.) People who act like their your friends but when they're around their "real" friends they act like total asses. 

5.) People who act like they're the best people ever. Honestly being popular won't matter after high school, so don't be dicks to other people just to be cool or popular and don't act like you're "all that" because you're not. 

6.) People who judge others.

7.) Not being yourself. Be yourself, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

8.) Obnoxious bitches

9.) Health/P.E class

10.) P.E (i'm kind of kidding)

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