Chapter 1

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Nikki P.O.V
The twins and I arrived to San Diego far away from John ever since we wanted to get a divorce. Right now I am talking to my lawyer Ms. Brewer.
Mrs. Brewer: What is your reason for getting a divorce
Nikki: Well I found out that my husband had a affair with another woman
Mrs. Brewer: Wow I'm sorry to hear that was this more than one time
Nikki: No this was a one night stand
Mrs. Brewer: So what is the full story were guys fighting before
Nikki: Yes we were fighting about him flirting with the girl he had an affair with
Mrs. Brewer: How did you find out
Nikki: Well it all started when he came home late at noon he came in with the smell of woman's perfume and he had a hickey on his neck and it was a war going on about he treats and that's when  he got so mad that he admitted
Mrs. Brewer: Okay so I will put all of this down and I will get you some divorce papers that you both have to sign
Nikki: Okay thank you *smiles and shakes her hand and leaves the office*
It was hard talking about what made me want a divorce. But I had a breaking a point. I got in the car and called Brie.
Brie: Hey Nikki
Nikki: Hey I just got the files and the papers for the divorce
Brie: Are you gonna make him give you money
Nikki: No because he can't help that he fell out of love with me everything changed after we gotten married
Brie: Yeah rumor of the day is that John moved on in one day
Nikki: Good for him he can finally have his dream girl
Brie: So what's you plan for today
Nikki: I'm gonna try to myself busy because I dont want to focus on loosing the love of my life
Brie: Right he doesn't deserve his tears
Nikki: Excactly and now only do I feel bad for myself but I feel bad for the twins
Brie: Right because all of this effect the kids
Nikki: Yeah and they are really upset about this I was thinking that I can take them out for a girls day and get their mind off of things
Brie: Yeah because divorces can really effect a kid
Nikki: Yeah
Brie: Good thing I can come up their in 2 days since we are now having Smackdown up their
Nikki: That's why I went here because we were moving arenas anyway
Brie: Yeah I'll talk to you later I have to go on a date with Randy
Nikki: Okay stay safe! *laughs and hangs up*
Right after I hung I was receiving a call from John. I was conflicted whether I should answer it or not. You know what I should!
Nikki: Hello
John: I just got files for divorce
Nikki: No I already got files for it I texted saying that *frustrated*
John: Can you please just stop being so difficult *groans*
Nikki: John I am not going fucking fight over this I just want this divorce done
John: I want to see my kids
Nikki: Well you should have thought about that before you cheated
John: I can take you in court for that
Nikki: Really your going to take me in court for not wanting them to stay with their cheating father I wasn't going to leave them with you anyway if you didn't cheat
John: You are taking them away from their father
Nikki: Just until we can settle the divorce and get custody for fucks sake, I am going to mail you the files now can you please leave me alone *hangs up with tears in her face*

I can not cry for him, I can not cry for him, I can not cry for him. I got home, went inside the beach house and saw my mom playing puzzle with the girls.
Nikki: Hi mom
Kathy: Hi sweety
Nikki: Hey Girls
J&J: Hi Mommy
Jessica: Where did you go
Nikki: Ummm I went the bank were guys good for grandma
Jennifer: Yeah
Nikki: Well you girls go get out what you want to wear we are going to go out
J&J: Okay *runs out the living room*
Kathy: How did it go
Nikki: It went well I got the files and all I have to do is sign it, mail it, and have him sign it
Kathy: Well why can't you just wait til he comes over him
Nikki: Because I don't want to see him and talk to him at the same time
Kathy: Did he call you
Nikki: Yeah and I made the mistake to answer that but I did so I can tell him about the files
Kathy: What did he say
Nikki: He is mad because I had the twins
Kathy: He has a good reason to feel the way he feels
Nikki: *scoff* How come
Kathy: Well it was your choice to leave
Nikki: But it was his fault that I choose to leave he bought this on himself he is the one that fucked up
Kathy: You guys can't do this over the phone especially when you are like 300,000 miles away that is going to make this worst you guys need to sit down and talk about the divorce and custody
Nikki: Mom I just do not want to see him or deal with him
Kathy: Well you are going to deal with him until the girls are eighteen
Nikki: Great now I still have to deal with him for the next 12 years
Kathy: Sweety I know it hurts but I'm sorry to say this is how it's gonna be until the girls are legal adults
Nikki: Yeah....
Jennifer: Mommy we got our clothes
Nikki: Okay let's go give you guys a bath *picks her up*
So mom was right I can't runaway from John. I'm going to have to deal with him for the next 12 years.....

Jennifer P.O.V
I was in my bed trying to go to sleep but I couldn't. I hear mommy sobbing herself to sleep and it made me really sad.
Jennifer: *whisper* Jessica do you hear that
Jessica: Yeah it's mommy crying what she would we do
Jennifer: Come with me
We got out our bed and went to mommy and daddy room and saw mommy crying but she stopped when she saw us.
Nikki: Girls what's wrong
Jessica: We couldn't sleep
We did what we do best and joined mommy on the bed.
Jennifer: Mommy if daddy came back would you stop crying
Nikki: *laughs* You guys are all I need right baby girl I'm happy I got you guys with me
Jessica: Mommy can we sleep with you
Nikki: Sure
We snuggled up into her and she held us closed but that didn't stop the tears from going down her face......

ToxicNena Poor Nikki. Poor twins. I feel bad for them. Vote and Comment on what you think and what do you think John is going to do? Happy Reading!

Is This The End (Part 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin