tAggeD agA i n

141 3 4

Ya girl was tagged by Gayfromcali! GO FOLLOW HER SHE IS A PRECIOUS SMOL CHICKEN NUGGET WHO IS TOO puRe foR THiS wOrld.

Do I like someone?

.... YeA

Do they like me?


Middle name?

ItZ Corina.

Single or taken?

TakEn bY Luke ( I don't fuCKING remember his last name)

Last person I texted?

It wuz Vivian. I texTeD her " I accidentally swallowed a rubber  band what do I do?!" (No but seriously heLP mE)

Last song I listened to?

The weeknd- Dark Times

I can't find the original song on YouTube cuz they changed the pitch so they won't get copyrighted and it sounds all different.Ugh. BuT It's ON spOtify.

Battery percentage?

8%. FoCk mY liFE

Girl best friend?

MaH homegirl Vivian

Guy best friend?


Favorite OTP?

LAPIDOT betches!!! HELL YE.

Why did you create your account?

It was late at night and I had a thought: HEY WHY THE FUCK NOT CREATE A WATTPAD ACCOUNT? And then my journey to bEcome a meme Lord blossOmed.

Current lock screen?

Its still elmo burning in the depths of hell

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Its still elmo burning in the depths of hell. ( I found the GIF version instead. YeA!)


February 8th... JuSt kIddIng yA guRL iS acTuallY an ImortAl rEptILe. WOT A TURN OF EVENTS.

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