A Little Gift

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Chapter One

Do you have that one time when you're an absolute mess for one minute but within seconds, you're straight to being a nerd for two straight hours.

You could say Jung Jiyoon did that just then when she forgot the assignment she had to hand in tomorrow. It was already nine o'clock by the time she found her laptop dusted beneath her bed and she had already finished halfway through her assignment.

Her round glasses fell on top of her nose bridge, fingers typing furiously on the keyboard and strands of hair slicking on her sweaty forehead.

"Jiyoon, when are you going to eat your dinner? It's already getting cold!" Her mother yelled from the kitchen and she sighed.

"I'll eat later! Just leave it on the table. Love you, mom!"

"Stop looking at the laptop and don't plan on starving yourself." Her mother appeared in front of her bedroom door after a while. "You'll get sick."

"I ate popcorn, ice cream, pizza, nuggets and some hamburger this evening. Don't worry, mom." The girl said, grinning at her mother.

The woman was so concerned in every little things her daughter did for she is the only daughter in the family.

"Those are some food you'll poop out later. Dinner's first." The said woman crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe.

"Aren't all food the same?" Jiyoon scratched her non-existence itch, biting her lower lip. "I'll eat later. I promise."

After some more pleading of continous please, the mother gave up.

"10.15 p.m. is your time limit. Stop looking at the laptop, wash your face and eat your food. Understand?"

"Understood!" Jiyoon put up her hand. "Thanks, mom!"

Jiyoon continued her work till it passed two minutes of her time limit. She stretched her body and walked towards the kitchen.

She picked up the leftovers food on the table, bringing the plate towards the living room.

She just had the habit of eating in front of the television.

She flopped down on the couch but something caught her eyes in a spilt second.

"To . . Jung Jiyoon?"

She unwrapped the small box in her hand and put aside her dish on the coffee table.

There was a pearl of necklace with her name written on it in cursive letters, a card accompany the gift.

"The moment the world begins to darken its cloud, let this gift be your company for where I will be glued to your heart."

- J.

And so the other gawked in surprised.

"Ma! Who brought this gift?" The girl yelled to her mother upstairs.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. A post man came and told me that there's a gift for you," the woman trailed off.


"Wasn't it someone you know?"

And she was left clueless.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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