Chapter 12

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Knightmare and his men tarried until another officer joined him. After a brief parley with the captain, Mallory, his lieutenant, beckoned to someone out of sight. Five more Grenadiers approached towing a catch of our residents, twelve of them. Morph swore and I clapped my hand over her mouth and shushed her.

"What are they doing with our residents?" She whispered.

"Collaborators?" Rook suggested.

"I have heard of this," Ultra answered at an appropriate pitch and volume, "but never witnessed it first-hand."

"Meaning?" said Morph.

"The Republic has taken residents from the Welfare Reserve before. Why? I am unsure."

""To serve rich Republic households," I muttered, "someone has to do the job."

"Like slavery?" Morph exclaimed as much as one could in a whisper.

"Not necessarily Doctor," Ultra proposed, "a servant is typically a paid role. It's possible the residents will be fed and sheltered."

"Lieutenant, if it's such a good deal, why don't you join the good Captain over there," Morph sassed.

Ultra grimaced, "I suppose, it wouldn't be freedom."

"So, the Republic typically take residents?" Rook inquired.

"Rarely," I answered." More commonly they exile people to the Reserve who can't pay the citizens' tax. Why deal with the problem of poverty when you can ship it elsewhere?"

Rook paused for a minute as the cogs turned, "These residents they're taking could be exploited," Rook suggested.

"How would you know, Private?" I contested.

"I'm just saying based on my experience of those guards on the train." Truly, this boy did nothing to abate my suspicions.

We squinted to identify the residents and Morph's jaw fell open.

"Hayley," she swore, "why is she going with them?"

"They have deceived her," Ultra suggested, "either that or she is a collaborator. Those are the only plausible possibilities."

"A collaborator, Lieutenant?" Morph objected, "Hayley wouldn't. She's a bright girl, and kind. She helps at the Medshed. Surely she has been coerced."

"But the Grenadiers are not using force. Hayley and the others must be going willingly," Ultra concluded.

"Then we'll stop them," my mind was changing course at the arrogance of this abduction. "We can distract them so Hayley and the others have the chance to run."

"Unwise Captain," Ultra remarked.

"I'm gutted to see Hayley go," Morph shook my shoulder, "but we need to locate Surge and Y-Man, remember?" I bit my lip and chewed over the options, settling on Morph's advice. Hayley and the residents boarded the dropship soon after, followed by Knightmare and his retinue. The dropship ascended and disappeared behind the clouds. That our people went so readily disturbed me profoundly, for we were drowning in these turbulent waters and they were rowing to shore with zero remorse.

The tide of migration continued to flow north, while we tacked into the wind of the Republic incursion. We ran from house to house, alley to alley, ruin to ruin, ever wary of enemy marksmen. In one such dilapidation we caught our breath, save Ultra who merely dusted off her clothes. I stepped forward and felt her metronome pulse.

"Nothing phases you, Lieutenant," I smiled and shook my head.

"Too kind, Captain," she returned my smile and winked, "but the Grenadiers taking our residents worries me."

"You and me both."

"But why are the Republic doing this? The Welfare Reserve is their apartheid for this generation, populated by those to whom life has dealt a poor hand of cards.."

"Couldn't have said it better myself."

"They are like the unwanted possessions in the Republic's loft. Forgotten and discarded."

"Such poetry Lieutenant. If I ever write a book, your words will be my inspiration."

"Honoured, sir. But going back to the residents, perhaps the rich want them to do the jobs they deem beneath themselves. Like laundry."

"Or ironing clothes," I laughed, "remember when everyone could afford an iron?"

"Or mopping floors."

"I think there's a mop at the Medshed," Morph interjected, "but it's various shades of brown now. Come on though. We can't stay here chewing the fat."

"It's what we do best Morph," I smiled.

"Let's go Private," and she pulled Rook by his jacket sleeve as they exited the ruin. I was about to follow them when Ultra crossed my path and stared me down.

"I know you are doubting Private Rook, Captain," Ultra said, "but when the Republic attacked, he wanted to help us. His skill might be lacking, but his zeal more than compensates."

"I hear you Lieutenant, but I still doubt. What if he's playing the long game, and every charitable act, every order followed is only to earn our trust before a betrayal. He's made his shank; he's just waiting to use it."

"But you let the doctor patch him up?"

"I know. Maybe I can't say no to her."

"Well sir, she's an attractive woman."

"You would say that Lieutenant."

She chuckled for a moment before resuming her composure, "anyway your feelings for Morph aside..."

"Those feelings are lost," I cut her off, "and tainted with regret."

"Yes. But you'll tell her?"

I said nothing, but Morph called for us to hurry up.

"Sir, despite what Morph thinks, you wouldn't have saved Rook twice if you thought him a spy. Give him a chance, Captain."

I nodded, "but I need to know his past."

"I understand. Evidence is paramount." she paused, "but don't worry about me and Morph." I raised an eyebrow," she's not my type. Anyway, I'm married to the job."

"I'll keep that in mind."

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