Chapter 2:

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  Sheep we were but sheep no more. Equality is returned. For what once was lost shall now be returned. The rise of love, beauty and things to be learnt.  


The boy was staring at me in disbelief long after the old leader went away. "Hey, what's your name," he asked, his brown eyes warm and friendly. I shook my head, mute. "Oh, you don't have one..."  His voice trailed off. I cleared my throat. "Sir, is there anything you might want," I asked. He blushed. Staring at the ground, he muttered, "Please, just call me Jean." "Yes, Jean," I mumbled, rolling the name on my tongue. He seemed friendly enough. Suddenly, a voice crackled through the loudspeakers in his room. 

"All trainee leaders, please report to the courtyard," yelled a stern, old woman. "Well, see you later," Jean said.  As soon as he left, I sprinted out of the room, my feet carrying me across the trainee leader homes. Farther and farther I ran, my red, stringy hair flying behind me. I finally reached the servants' quarters, diving in to the room of one contact the old man gave me. "Hello," I whispered quietly, "Are you FSL-666?" 


I walked into the courtyard, bumping into a plump girl with frizzy brown hair. "Hey, watch where you're goin' will ya?" she said, jokingly. I smiled at her, before extending my hand. "I'm Jean," I said, "I'm from the Burgundy district. Are you from the Naples district?" "Yeah," she said with a thick accent, "I'm Cari, and I'm still wonderin' why my momma named me that instead of somethin' else. I giggled, moving aside towards the crush of other trainee leaders. One woman came onstage. An un-blinded one. 

Everyone stepped back and gasped in horror. "Now, now, children," she said, her voice sugary. "It seems as if your parents have forgotten to tell you that we do things differently here. I am here to tell you everything you need to know-right here, right now." Everyone in the crowd groaned. The woman opened her mouth.

"Hey," I whispered to Cari. "Psst. Cari." She swung her head towards me. "Yeah, what is it?" she asked. "Well, you know the servants we're assigned?" "What servants?" she said in confusion. "Didn't you have a follower in your room when you arrived, FSL-something," I reply. "No, did you?" she asks. So I tell her about the girl in my room, wiry and red haired. "Well," said Cari, "Sounds pretty strange to me." "Yeah," I say, "I guess." I stand there in silence, listening to the un-blinded woman drone on about our curfews and stuff. But one thing stayed on my mind. Why did I need a servant, and why was it a girl my age?


"Whaddya want?" The old hag yelled in a thick accent. "It's me," I said. "Okay Mi, can you explain why the hell a young follower's disturbin' my rest?" I knew, but I spoke the  secret code. 

"Sheep we were but sheep no more. Equality is returned. For what once was lost shall now be returned. The rise of love, beauty and things to be learnt." 

The woman stared at me for a moment before speaking. "Those idiots at management hiring a young girl like you. Next thing ya know, you'll be falling in love with the douche you're serving. Get in here, you can't just stay out here in the open." I walked into her room, everything in it was surrounded by a light film of dust and filth. "Go on, sit," she said. I looked around, wide-eyed. "Why are you given your own room," I asked, "Don't the FSL's sleep in the same quarters as their leader?" "Hey," answered the witch, "Allow me to let ya in on a little secret. Did ya see any guys on that train they used to take you to the leader compound?" I shook my head. "Exactly, wanna know why?" I didn't answer. "Well, let's just say that some of the women leaders aren't able to have children. And if you can't have children, you need someone to stand in. But that's not all we're used for. Sometimes the male leaders start to feel a bit kinky, and the stuff they use for the annual ceremony is kinda in short supply." I looked down, disgusted. "Wait," I said, "But then that completely defeats the leaders purpose! They said that they were only allowed to procreate with other leaders to ensure their kids are as intellecctual as possible." "Well, yeah, but they never tell you they can sometimes make an exception, do they. Besides, I'm glad I lived to 43, I can finally see my kid. She was so far away before ya know, all the way in the Naples district." 

"Sorry," I said, "But aren't we supposed to be planning our rise from sheep to wolves?" I made sure to use the code word instead of the word rebellion, one can never be too sure.. "Oh right, right. Sorry kid, I get a bit side-tracked." After we began plotting the rebellion and I constantly reassured the woman I wouldn't fall in love with my leader, I went back to the servant's quarters in Jean's room. When I got there an older follower was standing in front of me. She lectured me on how the leaders were currently out and that in the meantime I should practice some courtesy. After her lecture she presently left, telling me to clean the already spotless room.  I sat down, lost in my thoughts until the door squeaked open. Standing in the doorway was Jean.

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