Quiet Suffering-part3 The Only Way

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Vlad, with a old scraped hammer in his right hand, slammed on the rusting lock. As it cracked in half , the lock clinked on the floor, what felt like hours ,were minutes, were seconds that were next to nothing. The door opened ajar, a loud creek following.

Thorn stepped past. Thunder in his step. He spared a quick glance at Vlad. As he flicked the door open with great thrust and speed. He walked through ,Vlad following behind him, with great caution. Even an evil dare devil like himself were scared.

It was a creepy blank room with the random spider web. It was empty.
But in the middle of the old dark room, was an old chair, a hospital chair with rips and claw marks in. They looked like wolf mark, three giant rips.

Vlad stepped away, panic across his pale face. *scrape scrape*. Thorn spun around and mouthed "What the hell was that !!"
Vlad had no absolute idea.

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