God I wish I never spoke

433 28 17

Friday night had to be one of the worst days of my life. Well second day. I told Winona that I read it. She asked if I needed to talk to her. But of course I lied saying that everything is fine and that I'm actually "happy".

I quickly got out of  Natalia's car. Sadie understood why I left. She probably thinks it's because of what Finn did Friday night. But I didn't say anything. That way I can avoid everyone. Little does she know what I did to myself.

People would usually stay outside and wait for the bell to ring, but do to the intense heat everyone was inside with the cool air conditioning.

I was walking quickly inside, until someone tapped me on my shoulder and stopped me.

"Hey!" He said and gave me a smile.

That damn smile makes my heart beat fast. And if I I don't control myself I'll get myself into a lot of trouble.

Wait Millie what are you thinking? He hurt you.

"Uh hi I have to go excuse me." I said as I started walking away.

But he stopped me.

"Wait. Why are you wearing a sweatshirt? It's like a billion degrees outside."  He said.

"Uh I'm sick and I'm cold." I lied.

"Uh huh... your sick you say?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

He's becoming suspicious of me. I simply nodded.

"Then why are you at school?" He asked crossing his arms on his chest.

"Uh...test! Yes I have a test to take! And it will effect my grade so if you don't mind I have to go study." I said starting to walk away.

He stopped me again. But this time, grabbing my left arm near my wrist. They were still surprisingly fresh.

"Ow" I accidentally said.

"Wait Millie are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

Why does he even care?

"What? No of course not. You just really have a strong grip." I lied.

"Millie... my grip isn't even that strong."

I realized that it wasn't really that strong. Finn would never be that aggressive.

He looked into my eyes. He then pushed the sleeve of my sweatshirt upwards to reveal my scars that I had made.

He gasped. He had fear in his eyes


he couldn't look away from my scars. But I looked away from him and my scars.

"Millie look at me." He said sternly.


"Look at me."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. I couldn't help myself. Not looking into his big dark brown eyes is like asking for no desert after dinner.

"Why did you do this Millie?"

I stayed silent wondering yet again why he cares so much.

"Millie you can't do this to yourself. Tell me or I'm gonna tell Sadie or Winona you need help-

Uh oh word vomit.

"I need help? You do too! For god sakes you don't even know what your feelings are! Why do you even care!"

"What? No I care about because your my friend, I'm trying to help."

"Didn't seem like you cared last night! You clearly new I was hurting!"


"Last night you treated me like shit! You payed no attention to me whatsoever and you made situations even worse with your taunting words!"

"What are you talking about?!" He asked beginning to be frustrated.

"Stop giving me mixed signals! Stop calling me baby! You worry about me way more than you worry about your girlfriend! Then you go off and treat me like garbage! Stop playing your stupid games! Can you not see how I'm feeling!?"

"I only do that as a joke I thought you knew that. Wait- Millie do you like me?"

I sighed out of frustration.

"You're so oblivious! Of course I like you! In Fact I think that I'm in love with you!"

My eyes widened at the words that just came out of my mouth. It felt like if a weight came off my shoulders. To only be replaced with the feeling of fear.

"Millie?... I-"

"I don't think that we should be around each other." I interrupted.

"Wait Millie-"

"Thank you for being a good friend. I- I have to go."

I felt a tear starting to come down my face. I ran away. With no one to stop me. All I wanted to do was go home and have a good cry. A cry not just because of him, but because of everything.

This chapter is so small compared to others. I decided to update since I felt bad leaving you guys on that sad note. (Even though this is still sad) but here you go?

Insta: @/thelizbiz_14 dm me to be accepted

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