Chapter 1

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Skylar POV:

My body shook as I struggled to stay awake, my nightmares had only gotten worse and my health had deplenished greatly. Across the room I could see Gala staring at me, shadows dancing across her face from the campfire.
"Skylar?" I barely acknowledged her but I could tell she was worried, I was too, I haven't had more than two hours of sleep in 4 days and I was drifting in and out of consciousness.
"Are they getting worse?" Gala's green eyes bored into my flesh looking for the truth I had buried so deep inside me. They were getting worse, every night I was tortured in a dungeon by my own people, firebenders, they would burn me and starve me then leave me to suffer and return the next night to do it all over again. Gala sighed and lay down, realising that I didn't want to talk about it. I listened as her breathing slowed and evened out. I lay down and stared at the fire until sleep overtook me. 
I was falling in the darkness when a light appeared and pulled me towards it. I stumbled and almost hit the ground when I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me up. Stunned I turned around and got into a defensive stance. I gasped in horror when my eyes landed on her, her clothes were burned and cut, her hair dark with blood, dirt covered her hands and knees and her feet were bare and bloody. She sighed and gave a humorless laugh.
"It's that bad huh?"
"Are you ok?!" She raised an eyebrow.
"Ok ok stupid question" The ground shook abruptly and the girl clutched her her head collapsing to her knees. I rushed forward and slid on my knees to her, lightly grabbing her face I looked into her eyes with worry. Her face was pale behind the dirt and she was shaking slightly.
"What is going on, are you the reason for my nightmares!?"
"Skylar your nightmares... are my reality... ugh... help me up!" She grabbed my shoulder and leaned on me before turning and looking at me dead in the eye.
"Scarlett manor, East province, if you want your nightmares to stop get a girl named Zelenia out of the dungeon on the 5 floor, you'll want a team consisting of all the benders,it's ok if you can't find a water bender though, they are pretty rare" seeing my hesitation she continued,"if you don't your nightmares will only get worse."
"Wait, who are you, why did you bring me here?" the floor was shaking steadily now and I struggled to keep my balance while the girl clutched her head groaning. She looked up at me, her blue eyes piercing my gray ones and smiled softly.
"In time Skylar of Stormeven "  She whispered before collapsing. I ran to her figure but was stopped by the blinding light that came from her body. I shielded my face and took a step back but the room was gone and Gala's face had replaced it.

    "Skylar are you ok!? I kept trying to wake you up but you wouldn't stop shaking and mumbling something about Scarlett manor.
"Yeah I know, I have to go there" I said sitting up and rubbing my head. "Why do you have to go there?" Gala handed me a mug of water and a flour biscuit that was warm from the fire before sitting down and motioning for me to continue. "Don't laugh" Gala gave me a look and I continued
" So apparently my nightmares are a projection of a girl named Zelenia and her reality-"
" Didn't you say that you were being tortured every night!?"
"Yes I am... that's why I need to finish my story so I can help her!" "Sorry" Gala grinned and blushed.
"As I was saying, this girl is being tortured and somehow we are connected and I can see what is happening to her, so last night we connected and I met her"
"She asked you for help getting out of the dungeon?"

"Yeah but Gala you should have seen her, it was like death itself tortured the poor girl!"

"How are you going to get her out?
"She said something about putting together a team of benders but not to worry about water element because they are rare"
"Well you have a air bender and then I'm a earth bender so all we need is a fire bender."
" What fire bender is going to help us break into an aristocratic fire bender castle to save some girl that came to me in my dream?!"
"We should go to the south village and see if we can find anyone to help us" Gala said standing and pulling me up.
"Okay good idea, we can restock camp while we are there too."

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