IggyVale Doujin Story

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A/N: This is something I started during an RP with my friends :P I want to continue it sometime later on. ^^ Anyways, it features her OC Lilli and Hetlaia characters. :)

There once was a boy and two younger children who lived together in a little cottage. The two children were a boy and a girl. The oldest of them, named Arthur, took care of them as there were not a nearby village within miles. Alfred was the most energetic out of them, always bubbly and bouncing around. The youngest girl, Lilli, was pretty and innocent as can be. So gentle was her expression that Arthur often referred to her as 'angel'.

The three lived happily together, celebrating each new year with joy and presents, until one day...

"Alfred, stop it right now!"

"No, old man, how long have we been cooped up here?! I can't stay any longer! And Lilli's coming with me!"

Alfred and Lilli were now in their teenage years while Arthur was in the process of becoming a young adult. He didn't understand why the two were acting this way. A rebellious phase? Certainly not. How could they after all these years of his care?

Alfred stood his ground, holding Lilli by the arm behind him. Arthur furrowed his eyebrows. "Lilli? Are you doing this against your will?" Alfred opened his mouth to speak against his former guardian's words, but a hand silenced him. "Let me speak, Al." Arthur's eyes strayed over to LiIli's face, hoping she'd let him know it was a joke. Her stern face, a mask of maturity beyond her years, said no such thing, however.

Lilli held her sharp eyes on Arthur and said with coldness, "I'm sorry, Arthur. We found our birth certificates and the documents in your basement. We'll be leaving for our true homes now." She pulled Alfred by the arm towards the door. Before exiting the now dark and gloomy home, she said loud enough for him to hear, "Thanks for raising us, I'll be sure to mention you to the king, lest you be executed." They walked out, but halted when Arthur rushed out the door in a hurry, yelling, "Wait, you don't understand!"

Alfred took the initiative to speak now. He walked right up until he was face to face with the Brit. "What DON'T we understand? The fact that you took us away from our real family?! We were stripped of our rights as royalty! How can you think of explaining that?" Arthur was shaken. This wasn't how he wanted to tell them the truth.

"Really, I can explain...if you would only give me another chance..." Arthur weakly said. His gaze landed on Lilli. "Lilli..." he pleaded as his voice cracked. He couldn't leave another loved one like this!

"Let's go, Al." The teenage girl pulled him along just as the moment a carriage came along and they got on. Right before they took off, Lilli softly spoke her last words to him, her tone underlined with a hint of deep hurt. "I trusted you, Arthur." And off they went. Arthur, the poor lad, was left heartbroken and despaired.

The ride from their isolated home to the bustling kingdom seemed to take forever. Lilli was feeling sleepy and was leaning on Alfred's shoulder as he talked about what kind of food he'd like to eat as a prince.

-Flashback to 3 months before-

"Alfred? Alfred! Where are you?" the girl called out to her brother. "Stop hiding already! I give up!" No response came from the surrounding area. Swiveling her head around, she saw a peculiar figure in the distant woods. "Alfred?" She called. The figure seemed to be walking towards her! She panicked, opening her mouth to scream when immediately a gloved hand covered her mouth. "I would not do that if I were you, elskling."

The man let go of her carefully when he ensures that she would not scream. Taking in the man's appearance, Lilli saw that the man looked suspicious, with his black cloak and emotionless violet eyes. Taking a step back, Lilli managed to stutter out, "Wh-who are you? And what do you want with me?" The man identified himself as Lukas, the king's royal magician. He had been in search for the king's two missing children. "And Lilli, you and your brother are actually royalty." He bowed to her.

She took another step back as this man, Lukas whatever, was starting to creep her out. "I'm sorry, you're mistaken. I'm not royalty at all." Furrowing her eyebrows, she then added, "And how did you know my name? And the fact that I have a brother?" "By working for the king, of course." Lukas stood up straight, giving her a look of boredom. "I guess I'll go now," said Lilli. "Bye, Lukas, whoever you are."

But before she could leave, the Norwegian grabbed her arm. "You're not going anywhere until I let you." She glared at the man. "Let. Me. Go!" There was a rustle in the bush, turning both pairs of eyes toward the sound. "Unhand my sister, stranger." Alfred held a mean-looking knife that Arthur uses to cut vegetables. "Alfred!" yelled Lilli. The man stared at the blond boy, contemplating whether or not he should give in. He let go of Lilli, giving her the chance to run over to Alfred's side. "My name is Lukas Bondevik, I am the king's royal magician, and you are the missing children of his highness. You are to return with me to your rightful home, " he stated.

Alfred glared and threw back his answer. "How can you prove that? We've been growing up here all our lives." The corner of Lukas' mouth turned up a bit. "I can't prove that." The two teens seemed relieved but tensed when he said, "But you can." "What do you mean by that?" demanded Alfred. "I mean, you can find the proof yourself, if you were born here, there should be papers regarding your birth and parents. If you can find them and bring them to me in 2 days, we'll see if I'll be proven right or wrong." Lukas turned and disappeared in a flash of blue light.

When they returned, the two were so quiet that Arthur stopped his cooking to look at them. "Now, what's gotten you two in a pinch that you look like you just killed someone's grandmother!' he scolded them. "Nothing." They said simultaneously.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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