Chapter 4

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Hayes POV-

She's so perfect it's not even funny. I think I like her. No I know I like her. But she just got out of a relationship so I'm not gonna go any farther with just being friends.. For now.

"Hayes?" Dani said and waved her hand in front of my face.

"So I'm your first friend here? Right?" I asked

"Yes oh my god." She said.

I grabber her arm and linked it with mine and we skipped over to my house.

Dani POV-

He just fucking linked arms with me. I'm gonna cry.

We got to his house and walked in. There were 9 heads sticking up from the living room couch. They all turned around and then I literally fell and blacked out.

I woke up and there were 10 people watching me sleep. "What happened?"

"You fell and hit your head. But you're alright." Carter answered wait CARTER.


"What is everything ok?" Hayes asked.

"I'm in the same freaking room with all 10 of my idols. Holy shit." They all laughed.

"C-can I take a picture with all of you?" Of course they all agreed and I took a group picture then individuals. What a perfect day.

"Dani you have a really nice house." Nash said. "My friend used to live there and it's huge."

"Thank you Nash I've never seen it before." I said and we all laughed.

Hayes POV-

Shawn took me in the other room because he said he wanted to talk.

"Dude. I know you like her." He said.

"Pshh whatt?" I said. He gave me the *I know you like her you just don't want to admit it* look. "Fine I like her."

"Well maybe she likes you."

"She told me that she called dibs in me to her friends. But it's too soon to ask her out."

"Yeah.. but I've got an idea." Shawn said and smirked.

Dani's POV-

They are literally all so much funnier in person. I can't stand it.

"Guys come over here real quick. But sit down Dani we'll be right back." Shawn told me. I played on my phone until they came back.

"Ok Dani. This is the first time we would ever do this with anybody." Taylor said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Do you want to travel around with us for Magcon. You and Hayes could hang out and stuff." Jack G asked. My mouth literally dropped. And I started to get tears in my eyes.

Aaron came over and gave me a hug. "So we'll take that as a yes?" Cam asked.

"OF COURSE!.. right after I ask my mom though." They all agreed and we went to my house to ask.

"Hii mommaaa."

"You want something don't you?"

"Welll.. yeah. CAN I PLEASE GO TO MAGCON PLEASE? HAYES GOES AND SO DO THEIR OTHER PARENTS PLEASE MOM?" I said looking at the boys and all of them had their lips folded for a 'please'.

She looked at Elizabeth to make sure I'm not lying then looked at me. "Fine you can go. Just if anything happens to my baby. I will hurt someone."


"But..Who is the most responsible one here?"

"Shawn." Cam said and pointed to him.

"Shawn do you mind watching out for her please?" I groaned and walked away.

"Yes of course anything." Shawn responded and I literally was jumping up and down.


We all got our bathing suits on. Hayes and I jumped in first holding hands. Cameron said he got a picture.

I gave him the death glare but then everyone else jumped in.

Wow I guess you can say moving here wasn't so bad..


Hellloooo! Finally in NC!!!! ILYSM

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