Ponyboy (part 2)

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Ponyboy's POV

As me and Robin walked up to Steve's house, I started to get nervous because I knew Steve didn't care for me all that much. And plus I had a kinda sorta big crush on his younger sister,Y/N. I'd known her for a while and always had blushed when she smiled at me or anything, but she only sees me as a friend.
Robin knocked on the door and tryed to think about the book I was currently reading, How to kill a mockingbird. Then she opened the door and it creeked a bit because of the old rusty hinges on all the doors in our neighborhood. Her E/C looked over me and then Robin as she smiled at us.
"Fancy seeing you two here." Y/N said opening the door up for us to come in.

Me and Robin walked in and Y\N gave Robin a hug and then blushed and gave me one, I hugged her back and blushed as well. Wait hold up, she just BLUSHED AT ME? Does she like me too?


I saw Robin at the door as she walked- HOLY CRAP SHE BROUGHT PONY! I quickly ran to the bathroom to make sure I looked alright, because I Kinda Sorta had a huge crush on him. Then ran to the door and opened it with a smile, and hugged them both. But I blushed before I gave him a hug. Robin looked at me whole time when he wasn't looking, and smirked and winked, I gave her my famous death glare. Then pulled away from our hug, And told them they could come inside.

That's the end of part 2 but I'll put up part one sometime idk when bc I'm lazy so yah.

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