My New Alpha Step-Brother

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  When Omega Arthur Kirkland was only give years old, he was forced through a troubling time in his family that would certainly affect him for the longest time. It was at this time that his beloved parents had a divorce, apparently due to the discovery of his mothers long term affair. Life as Arthur knew it was changed drastically, his Alpha father and elder brother just seemed to vanish from their lived, and when Arthur begged his mother to see him, he was met with harsh glares and told to be quiet. It wasn't even more than a moth before his mother had moved them in with her 'new mate' - a single Alpha who had an Alpha son, three years older than Arthur. At first, Arthur didn't know what to think or how to feel. This new Alpha that he was supposed to accept as his sibling didn't smell anything like his brother and for the good part of the year or two, he did his best to avoid and ignore him. The forced atmosphere was quite stifling, and Arthur ended up spending most of his time in his new room. Though when puberty hit, Arthur began to have heats. His mother told him what to do and just left him to get on with it but nothing could have prepared him for what his step-brother would do.

  Arthur noticed that whenever he went in head, his step-brother would linger outside his locked door, quiet at first but then he would softly coo mocking and dirty words that were enough to make the poor Omega burn red in his face. Saying he must have looked like a hot mess, asking him whether he was using his toyd, what Alpha was he fantasizing about. He even purposefully left his worn shirt or sweater near the door just to rile Arthur up even more. Arthur was always so embarrassed, but he never said anything to anyone, and it was hard to avoid seeing the smirk on the Alpha's face. However, when he turned sixteen, his mother and step-father had gone away on holiday, leaving him in the care of his brother, with his head soon approaching. Honestly, Arthur wasn't sure what to think.

  Currently he was in pre-heat, sitting in the living room with s blanket draped around him and snacking heavily to store up his energy. Arthur knew his step-brother would be home from his part time job soon, but he kind if hoped the Alpha wouldn't bring up his scent or anything. He was wary of how good the Alpha smelled and knew that at the college, he was quite the hit with the Omegas. He'd rather stay out if any trouble involving him.

(Hi everyone!! I'm so sorry that I don't write as often as I used to because if major writers block. BUT I have returned. I would dedicate this story to the partner who is helping me create it!~ They're pretty chill and cool so shout outs to them! Anyway I will continue this as much as I possibly can ^^ thank you for reading and being patient with me, haha~)

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