Chapter 2: Resisting

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Arthur wrapped himself back in his protective blanket, trying to stay away from Alfred. Noticing this, the Alpha quickly grabbed Arthur's only safety and tugged it away.

"Alfred you imbecile!! Give i-..!!!"







Alfred's eyes widened when he saw what his step brother was hiding under the blanket. The American swallowed roughly and looked away, his cheeks burning with the brightest of reds.

Skin shinning from the light of the television hitting him, Arthur was completely nude under his security cover up. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and curled up in a ball close to the arm rest of the couch. His fragile looking chest was moving rather quickly as he panted from the fright and nerves.

This is so bad.

Arthur tilted his head down in fear of the comments from his brother. This was the most embarrassing thing ever for the Brit. First his hormones act up in school, getting him sent home or to the nurse, then his father leaves the picture, his mother marries and he's stuck with a horny Alpha for a stinken sibling. Now this!? This was just the icing on the cake. All needed is the strawberry. Arthur looked up, shivering from the cold room and noticed that Alfred was still staring at him like a deer in headlights.

Why the bloody hell is he still staring at me for!?

"Stop looking at me you moron!" Squeaked out the Brit, grabbing a couch pillow and covering himself up. He could smell the tempting scent from Alfred, knowing he was seeking the affection of an Omega and once he saw Arthur the way he was, he was sucked into his Alpha phase.

Alfred swallowed roughly and tossed the blanket to Arthur, setting his hand on the arm of the couch. He could hear his heart beating out of his chest, his breathing speeding up with adrenalin pumping in his veins. This is Arthur though! He was Alfreds brother and nothing else! Yet, the hungry Alpha couldn't get it out if his head what Arthur was. He was just another Omega to him. Alfred eyes darkened from his usual sky blue color to a royal deep blue as he looked up at Arthur. Something blocked his mind, and he only saw a mate. Slowly, Alfred started to crawl his way to Arthur, soft pants from his lips escaping.

Arthur frowned and backed up a bit more, looking up at Alfred.

"What are you doing you bloke...?"

Alfred didn't stop moving, only getting closer to his brother. Arthur then caught on after hearing a soft growl from him, his emerald jewels widening, swallowing the lump in his throat. Arthur stood and covered himself with the cushion, taking steps away from Alfred.

"Alfred you idiot think! Remember who...who I am..."

Words became softer and softer until Arthur started to fall for his scent. His insides began to feel warmer as his crotch began to push against the cushion, the scent getting the better of him.

This is wrong...this isn't happening right now!!

Arthur couldn't take it anymore. He ran off to his room and tried shutting the door, no longer wanting to suffer much if the mating problem anymore. When he tried to close the door, he hit something with a thud. Looking through the crack, it was Alfred with his eyes in need of a touch.

"Let me in Arthur! Stop being a pussy coward!!" Alfred pushed against the door to try and pry it open, but Arthur kept his weight against it. He didn't want to know what could happen if he let him in.

Just close and lock the door, hide in the closet, and pray it'll all be over soon Arthur.

Alfred growled and shoved his body against the door, his weight being ten times more than Arthur since he was so frail and skinny. Arthur fell back and whimpered, looking up at his Alpha brother, who slowly approached him. The heat radiating off of him was intense, his scent stronger than ever before. This was overwhelming for Arthur, still trying to fight the urge to give in.

"Alfred st-stop..! You know we can't this.." Arthur purred out, biting his lip as he sunk even more into the floor.

Alfred said nothing, crawling onto Arthur with ease. He knew his little brother wouldn't want to fight the urge to mate, despite how hard he had been fighting it. Alfred leaned down and turned Arthur's head a bit so he could take a look at his brothers soft pale skin "Arthur...I've never realized how..beautiful you are."

Arthur's cheeks darkened to a candy apple color, his frail body trembling from under his brothers warmth. He felt his head being turned, his eyes completely shut so he wouldn't have to watch what was happening.

Alfred started to grind against Arthur, his lips touching the gentle skin of life. The young Alpha couldn't help but feel so alive and free, taking command of the whole situation and dominating Arthur was something he never thought he could do.


The Brit whimpered softly, breathing heavily as he felt his need to resist grow weaker and weaker through every single one of Alfreds touches. This was madness, he couldn't hold on much longer.


One can call it a simple touch..for me it wasn't just a touch. It was something more. Much more.

His hand grazed my hips, his breath hot against my neck as his lips left trails of gentle kisses on it. My body contorted under his heat while my arms were held up above my head by his strong hands. I could feel his heart beating against my chest as the kisses trailed to my collarbone, my body arching against him. The warmth of his touch rushed through my body as it hit my private area, only making me beg for more with my panting and touches. My body screamed out for more, begging for mercy from his dominance, but my thoughts wanted this to end.

This was my brother who was doing this to me, even if it isn't flesh and blood he is still considered a brother. Family. And felt so right.. I needed this...we needed this. I can't keeo this feeling behind me anymore, I have to have him!!







Arthur cried out "I swear to you, nothing happened!" Alfred sighed and leaned against the wall "He's telling the truth, why can you just believe him like you always do?"

"You two shouldn't have been left alone, I knew I couldn't trust you Alfred!"

He frowned "Excuse me? You're the idiot who decided to leave us in the dark like alway!! If anything, you should be pointing thay finger at your fucking self!"

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