Long Year Down the Road

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Do you ever visit the cemetery? For the fallen? Or the Damed? Everyone knows that we visit for loved ones, that is like an Unspoken Rule. It is sometimes hard to recall things about them...Even harder to rember their warmth...

We are now older...
For a time we forgot. Our time consumed by newest Team Memebers. New joys of defeating the Elite Four, and then taking on the Champion. Our minds filled with 'Gonna Catch'em All'. Some of us are breeding, Ev Training, Contest Preforming, Musicals, so on. Even the new Gen is comeing soon, waiting for time to pass... Maybe of getting an even newer team ready...A new Starter...

Then one can think back and reminisce...

Crystal. Yes older, more exp. Trainers might have started with Red or Blue, Even Yellow. Then came round to Crystal. Pokemon Crystal was my first game. My brother brought it home form middle school one day form his 'friend'. He played it almost constitly, while I ignored him and watched the anime series of it. Until He screamed a joyful cry...That made me almost shit myself. I asked him what had happened. I don't rember what he said but the highness of his voice was not often heard, this must have been what peaked me in the first place. I sat beside him and began to ask question about what did what. Before I knew it I had asked to start my own game.

"I don't care."

Little did I know how much I would be enticed by the little pixels that moved about the screen of shades of blue and black, red or orange. The funny motion in which the character walked. Or how attached I would become by the simple notion of Nicknameing my Starter. At the time I didn't know how popalur His species was, or even the consept that was Him. For my Starter I choose Cyndaquil. Naming him was easy I typed C-Y-N-D-E-R. Cynder. A fitting name for him I thought. He was mine and mine alone. Hi cry was awesome. Looking at his stats and the way it looked as if he was dancing to see me.

That very first night is all but a blure, as I pasted throught CherryGrove, Violet-Defeated Falkner, and even Azalea Town-Defeating Bugsy. But school was the next day and I was interupted by my old man to go to bed, a living nightmare to quiet and painfully wait to play again. I brought up the subject of save to my brother.


He didn't care if his 'Friend's' was saved over. Not caring either I saved, placed the GameBoy on my dresser, went to sleep with a wide grin on my face. It might be wishful thinking but I swear I heard his voice cry to me happily.

Later I heard a scream, but I was in a concious/unconcious state. What could I have done?  As the morining passed I come to find out the Crystal game had to be taken back to my brother's 'friend'. I was devistated... Not only by that but by the fact that HE had the nerve to touch my GameBoy and Crystal. Not even letting me hold it once more or to say goodbye to my Pokemon.

"No. You want me to hurry up."

He gave me a look. I asked why he even took it when he said I could play it. After he explained to me, and the begging-oh the begging of asking, pleading to let me have the game he shook his head and for once went out the door before me to the bus.

I fell asleep on the bus not wanting to think of poor Cynder and the rest of my team... or even that cry I had heard that morning. But as much as we try to push something away it always nages at the back of our minds. All throught the school day, math, english, lunch, socail studies, science... Waiting for the bus was just as bad, if not worse. I knew on the way home that the cartrige wouldn't be in the GameBoy waiting to be played, to contiune the jounery I started the day before, not even the joyus cry of little Cynder.

So walking into the house and grabbing the remote, before my bro could, flicking throught chanel after chanel, watching averge boreing shows. Something was thrown into my lap form across the room. Glare at the sorce, brother of mine. I reached for it and threw it back.

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