Chapter 2 ~ Past the Point of No Return

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Daddy's Little Girl

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Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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"Everything is messed up

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"Everything is messed up..." Christine thought to herself as she strolled around the park early in the morning. The sky still had stars that scattered across the sky like someone spilled diamonds, the sun was peeking out from the horizon. It was the beginning of Spring, flowers began to bloom covering the park with colorful colors. Birds were chirping as the mother was feeding her newly hatched babies. Life was returning to Earth once again.

A chilling breeze blew across Paris as Christine buried herself deep within the warmth of her shall. Her thoughts, as well as her emotions, were all mixed up into one giant mess. She felt angry, frustrated, alone, sadness, even agony. Ever since she ran away with Raoul 2 years ago. Her new life was turning upside down and it was not for the better. Raoul, her husband turned out to be an alcoholic, never had time for her because of "work", and what's worse... Christine found out that Raoul was having an affair with another woman. They would argue with each other every night, and at the end, Raoul would go over to the pub and find himself a whore to let out his frustration. All Christine could do was cry herself to sleep. She thought that her new life would be filled with love and happiness, but they were dreamt up from an innocent child that died from the day she walked down the altar.

Christine found a bench to sit on to rest a bit, and regret about her marriage, and leaving Erik for him. Christine would kill to go back and undo the choice. "I wish I should've stayed with Erik, I shouldn't have kissed Raoul that night, I wished with all my heart that I could just change back time..." She thought.

Lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice that a dark figure was sitting next to her. She turned her face to see the stranger. He was wearing a black hat, a black overcoat coat, his lower jaw was wrapped with a red scarf. Christine stared at the man long and hard, suddenly she recognized the face. A hint of white was shown on the left side of his face. "Erik?..." She said. The man turned his face to meet his gaze at her. His bright blue eyes glowed in the dark. She knew those eyes anywhere, it was Erik alright. No doubt about it.

Erik smiled at Christine. "Hello, Christine..." Christine's heart leaped with joy. She couldn't control herself as she wrapped her arms around Erik, and hugged him tightly as more tears were pouring out like a leaky pipe. She didn't care, she didn't care at all. All she needed was to be wrapped around, buried her head in his chest, and cry her eyes out. Erik couldn't believe what he was seeing. The one person that broke his heart, and left him 2 years ago is now hugging him while crying in his arms. All he could do was hug her back, rubbing her back, and whispering in her ear. "Shh...It's okay my wondering child, your Angel of Music is here. No need for tears." Christine lifted her head up and formed a smile. "There we go, there's that beautiful smile. Now tell my dear, tell what happened? Why the tears?" Erik said with a calm, soft, smooth voice.

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