The First Time

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Riele's POV

     Riele Downs was putting on her earrings, just a last touch to her look for her audition. She hadn't been acting recently and was very excited when she first got word that she had an audition. She knew that the show she was auditioning for was based off of comics and had read them extremely well a couple weeks ago and then again the night before. If you couldn't tell, she was very eager to get the part.
     When she arrived at the place where the auditions were being held she suddenly felt a little nervous. What if she didn't get the part? What would she do then?
     "Go to another audition," she said to herself. "It's ok. Just go in there and do your best. Everything's gonna be fine. It's not the end of the world."
     She went in, with confidence, and completely aced it. When she walked out she knew she would get the part. She was so confident in her performance. She felt great. 
     She had completed the audition and now all she could do was wait. So she laid on her couch, ate ice cream, and watched Netflix while waiting.

*****AUTHORS NOTE*****
Hey this is my first chapter for my new Jaele book. I know it seems a little right now but the next chapter will be better! Hopefully I will continue this unlike the last one. Leave comments, vote, and share please. Thanks for reading : )

Word count: 245

Jaele: A true love Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora