I'm Glad you're Back

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The camp was filled with all sorts of creatues. They were preparing for war against the White Witch.

" Autumn!

" Offh!"

"Hell...o... L...ucy". Lucy ran straight into me and smothered me in a hug. Peter and Susan were soon behind her. " You're alright". I nodded. " Where's Edmund? ". " There was a bit of a problem but I managed to strike a deal with the White Witch". " You did what!?". "Don't worry. The deal was that if she kills Edmund, she will die. If I tell anyone about her future plans, I will die and my powers are hers for the taking". Peter looked shocked at me but before he could say anything I said "We sealed the deal by magic. It can't be broken until the deals ends in 7 days". "Also, if I tell or not, it doesn't change the future". " So it was kind of like a trick?" Lucy said smiling. "Exactly".

I came out of my tent in a red shirt and black pants (Since I was the protector, I was given permission to dress as I please. Yes! Goodbye dresses! ). I had been at Aslan's camp for 5 days. We've heard nothing about Edmund and the end of the bond would break on midnight in 2 days. I started sword training a.s.a.p and I quickly got the hang of it. Orieious said I was a skilled fighter and with a few years practice I could be the best swordsmen (or swordswoman but I like swordsmen better) in Narnia. Using a sword felt so right. After I got to Aslan's camp, the Pevensies gave me a package. They told me about meeting Father Christmas and how he wanted them to give me a present. It was a sword! It was finely crafted. It had a golden hilt with a blazing red ruby in the center of each side. It was light and t fit my hand perfectly. I named it Draca (This is really from a Merlin spell) for dragon in some sort of langue I forgot. Since then, Draca was always with me in the red and golden scabbard that came with it. On the blade of Draca, the words "The Phoenix shall rise" were written. On the other side, the words "Destiny burns strong".

I remembered the day when the Pevensies told me about their journey here. I also told them about mine. When we finished, I said "Have you managed to turn him into a fluffy hat yet?". We laughed.

It was then that I heard the sound of a horn. Susan's Horn!

I sprouted wings and flew to where the horn sounded. I landed and found Peter face to face with the captain of the secret police. Aslan was there and so were a few other animals. I watched closely. Come on Peter!

"You think you're a king. Well now you're going to die like a DOG!" the wolf lunged. "PETER!" Susan and Lucy screamed. They jumped down from the tree they were will and rushed over to Peter. I help them push the body of the wolf off. Peter was okay! His eyes wide with fear.I smiled.

I looked up and saw the wolf under Aslan's paw. He lifted the paw and the wolf ran like the wind. "After him. He will lead you to Edmund". He nodded to me. I flew after the others.

I removed my sword for the minotaur I stabbed and quickly looked around for Edmund. Killing my first victim was hard but I grew use to the idea; this was war. I spotted Edmund tied and gagged to a tree. He watched in fear as rescue party and the beasts of Jadis's fought. I ran over to him. I burned the ropes from his hands with a simple twitch of an eye. Orieious pulled Edmund onto his back.

I followed them closely as we lead the Witch's camp. I was able to command my wings better each day. I had so much power and I was learning how to use it. I was able to set a few tents alight as well as a few creatures.

Back at Aslan's camp, Orieious set Edmund back to the ground and left to tend to army matters. Aslan approached us. "I wish to speak to you alone my son". I looked back at Edmund and left for my tent. I saw Peter,Susan, and Lucy together. "Edmund's back!" Lucy said hugging me. "Are you alright?" she asked. "I'm a little tired but nothing like going on a rescue mission to start your day!".

We saw Edmund walk towards us with Aslan behind him. "What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about the past" Aslan said. "Hello" was all Edmund could say. Lucy rushed up and hugged him. He was shocked for a moment but then hugged her back. Susan hugged him too. Then he stopped in front of me. I hesitated but then I went to him and hugged him. I flung my arms around his neck and he hugged back. "I'm glad your back" I whispered in his ear.

"Get some sleep" Peter said after our reunion. Edmund walked towards their tent. "And Edmund..." Edmund turned round. "Try not to wonder off" Peter said smiling. Edmund gave a quick smile and proceeded to their tent

The next day at breakfast, Edmund joined us. "You're looking better". He smiled and quickly started stuffing his mouth with toast. "Narnia's not going to run out of toast Ed!" Lucy giggled.

"You should start packing for you're way back" Peter said. "We're leaving?". "I promised Mum I would keep you all safe. Even you Autumn but that doesn't mean I can't stay around to help". "But they need us. All 5 of us" Lucy protested. "Well I'm staying. And you can try all you want but you can't catch me when I have wings" I said firmly. "Well I guessed it's settled" Susan said, getting up and grabbing her bows. "Where are you going?". "To get some practice".

I rode on a white horse with Peter and Edmund. They battled from their horses. Peter was skilled but Edmund had true potential with a sword. I can see it now "The Sword of Narnia".

Mr. Beaver suddenly ran over to us making Edmund's horse rear up. "Whoa Horsie!". Really Horsie? "My name is Philip". "Oh...sorry". Mr. was talking so quickly I could understand him but I heard the words "White Witch", "On her way here", and "Now".

We raced back quickly to camp. The White Witch was being carried on a throne by four hideous creatures.

"You have a traitor in your misits, Aslan" she spoke, looking at Edmund. "His offense was not against you". "Have you forgotten the laws on which Narnia was built? she asked. "Don't recite the deep magic to me witch. I was there when they were written" Aslan growled. "Then you remember well that all traitors belong to me. His blood is my property". "Try and take him then" Peter threatened,drawing his sword. I drew mine and raise my wings in a threatening manner and others drew their weapons. "Do you think mere force will deny my rights,little king?". Peter stiffened. "Aslan knows that unless I have blood as the law demands. All Narnia will be overturned in fire and water" WHAT!. "That boy!" she said, pointing at Edmund. "Will die on the stone table. As is tradition". Aslan better do something before I deep fry her here and now. "Enough! I shall speak to you alone" Aslan said. She followed him into the tent. The rest of us waited.

They finally came out from the tent.

"She has renounced her claim on the son of Adams blood" Aslan announced.

Everyone cheered. Edmund hugged Lucy tightly. When Edmund let go of Lucy, I ran up and hugged him with all my strength. "How do I know you'll keep your promise?" the White Witch asked. Aslan gave a mighty roar and the White Witch quickly sat back down on her throne and the Narnians cheered.

Later that night, Edmund and I were heading back to ours tents. We were laughing and then were reached my tent. "Well good night" I said. "Night". I turned to my tent but then I quickly spun around and kissed Edmund on the cheek. We both blushed and I quickly retreated to my tent. Edmund stood there for another for another second. He blinked but then left for his tent. Was he developing feelings for his best friend?

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