5 Points Every Driver Should Check Before Travelling

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Have you heard that car accidents are amongst the top threats to Americans? Road trouble make up for more deaths as compared to other accidental causes like drug poisoning. In 2012, the NHTSA recorded 5,615,000 roadway accidents in the US alone.

In this video, I will show you which 5 things in your car you must inspect day-to-day to make sure that your automobile is safe and is suitable for driving.

This is a must for motorists. Drivers ought to take individual ownership for the safety of their passengers and other drivers while driving. , accidents occur because some drivers fail to observe safe driving practices.

Here are the 5 things you have to examine before you go driving on the streets.


It is very important to examine every one of your lights, including the headlamps, brake lights and turn signals. These signal lights need to all be functioning, as they show courtesy to other motorists. It is very dangerous for you and for others when driving, to take a trip if any one of your lights is malfunctioning.


It goes without saying that fully operating brakes are vital. In fact, losing control over your brakes mean losing control to stop the car. Inspecting your brakes daily, and periodically bringing your vehicle in for servicing will avoid dreadful accidents.

Electric battery

You won't manage to start your vehicle without it. A lifeless battery will additionally cause light and horn failure. Knowing when a battery is due for changing and quickly doing so will give you confidence that your automobile will work well.


Ensure that your tires have just the correct amount of air prior to driving. Road trouble triggered by exploding tires could be avoided by ensuring that your tire air pressure is equivalent, if not very close, to the ideal. Make it a point to routinely inspect the spare also.

Emergency Kit

No matter how cautious you are, you can never say when an emergency situation might happen. Your car emergency kit will not be much use if left at home. You do not need to inspect every thing one by one everyday, but a glance to check the contents will not take a lot of time and could possibly save your life. Periodically check that medications or perishables have not expired or that the tools inside, if any, have not rusted.

Remember also to feature your [http://www.amazon.com/Seatbelt-Cutter-Window-Breaker-Construction/dp/B00HZXIDDG/ie=UTF8?keywords=seatbelt+cutter life hamer] and seat belt cutter in your emergency kit. This tool must be near you, where you could conveniently reach it during an emergency situation. It is a life-saving device that lets you to escape from being stuck in case your car door gets fixed and you are caught in the vehicle. With one stroke of the blade, you can slash the seat belt and with one hit of the hammer you can break the car window to make your getaway.

<img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71e0LV21qLL._SL1500_.jpg" border="0" align="left" alt="window breaker

life hammer" />

To see to it that you are staying safe on the streets, regularly check that your car is in proper working condition and that your emergency pack is stocked. While we hope that we never should deal with accidents on the road, being prepared will certainly enable you to respond steadily and with clearheadedness.

Look at the most recent on window breaker at this website [http://www.amazon.com/Seatbelt-Cutter-Window-Breaker-Construction/dp/B00HZXIDDG/ie=UTF8?keywords=seatbelt+cutter Read Much more]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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