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Azura: I lay awake in my bed, all because  I can feel her presence somewhere near. I  then say “stop just standing  there girl and come in.”

Minerva: I hear her words. “I was already in, but the first is done. Just pretend that you were in your room this whole time. I will be off now. I will come with more news tomorrow.” I fully fade in the shadows, becoming one with them. Now to go back to the palace and sleep. I must ask Ashley to tea in the morning, before servants give me the news.

Azera :  I  laugh happy that he is dead. I then just listen  to  her, and watch  as she leaves. Once I was for sure alone I cast a spell on Ash’s memories about the girl and I  being at the crime scene. I  then just drift off to sleep happily.

Minerva :I awake the next morning. I get ready and tell my handmade to send an invitation for tea this afternoon to Ashley.  I request her favorite, lavender gray.  Perfect for hiding the stench of poison. Hopefully the grief will send Arena to end things herself.  A servant comes in two hours later with the news of Alaxir’s murder and that Ash was in jail for it. I acted like a grieving fiance would. Once they were gone, I recorded my ‘distraught’ for the servants to hear as I plan which posein to use for tea.  Ashley will definitely not refuse my invite now.

Azera :  I awaken only to hear my brother Ash screaming he did not kill Alaxir. I could  hear them say he was going to be hanged tomorrow for his crime. I then hear someone banging on my door I yell “WHO IS IT?” I  make my way to the door and open  it, only to see a cop. “yes officer can I help you?” I cast a spell and he then just walks away. I   smile and think oh I love my powers. I  then see a vision of Alxar being born and I standing in the corner looking the same as I do now. I freak out, thinks to myself  how is that even possible?  It is now later on and I  just  sit and wait, and think about  that vision.

Minerva: I waited for a servant to come in with the tea set, before letting Ashley enter. I put arsenic in the tea.  Ashley shortly joins me and drinks down a cup, working for the nerve to talk to me. I take a few sips and pour her more. We talk about anything except for Alaxis and Ash. After her fifth cup and my first and a half, she starts acting weird.

“Are you okay Ashley?”

“I, I am just fine. It is just what is going on you know?” She sips on her sixth cup to avoid further conversation. She already took in a lethal dose with her fifth cup, a bit more would just bring this along faster. A few moments pass and she is starting to lose consciousness. I call in the servants, feeling the slight effects, with a non lethal dose in my system to make me look like the target.  Soon, she is brain dead and is ruled that arsenic was in her system. They quickly tested my blood and found arsenic as well. I will have to visit Arena later tonight.

Azera :  ‘Hmm I wonder how she is going to kill the other two?’ I  think to myself, I stand out of the tub and then dry off. I walk back into my room, and dress myself in a all black dress. I  sit at my vanity  makeup  mirror, and brush my long hair. Ass I  looked upon the mirror  I have yet another  vision, I see the people that I  thought were my great great  great  grandparents move into this house. Up in the East tower looking down as these people  moved in was a red hair woman. I being so shocked I fall off my stool onto the ground, hitting my head hard. I then yell “WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?” Though With me talking  to  no one I was meet with silence.  

Minerva :  Evening came and I arrived at Helsing Manor. I came to give my condolences  to my almost family. A guard was with me, since they believe Ash was trying to become the head of the family, and I was just a victim to his real target.  

I walk into Arena’s room to find a ghastly sight. She did not hang herself, but cut her own throat. This plan went almost too perfectly. The thrill was not there. Something was off. All I know is that tonight I will meet with Azera and ask for some information.

Azera :  As evening rolled around  I was bored and hoping the last two was dead. Since Ash was hanged earlier this afternoon, that only left Ashley and Arena. After thinking  that I decided to go for walk down the hall, only to see Minerva  Floxaflent  and a guard  freaking out. They were in front  of  Arena’s room, and  me needing to play as the worried  sister  to help keep people  from  questioning me a hole  hell of a lot. I  run up to them and ask “ what is wrong, oh god's is there something  wrong with Arena?” I then start to act really worried, especially  when no one answered  my question. I  then got up off the floor and ran into Arena’s  room, I was meet  with  a horrible  site. Arena was dead, I fell to the ground  and cried “why why another  sibling? Oh god's  what is going  on  in this house?” on the inside I was laughing  so hard, I  was so happy to being  closer to my goal. I  then dropped to the ground  holding my head in pain as another vision comes on.

  Yet again it looked like something from the past, just like in the visions before . It seems every vision  I have been having has this women, the women  with hair  exactly  like mine, now that I think  about  it she looks exactly  like  I do now. Clearly every vision I have had are in different  time lines, it's  so unearthly. The red hair woman watching  as her some of her family kills themselves  or others. Only one person  survives, he moved out quickly after burning some of the house  down. Then  20 years later moves in with a family of his own, after the house magically regenerates itself. He was only gone for so long afraid to face, what he did to his family. The redhead is pleased to have company again. But she was pissed that the man, her own brother that killed the rest of their family returned. He may only had been adopted as well of the rest of her siblings, but still they were family. It made her the youngest of them but she was still the only true Helsing left. He tried to kill them all even her, just so he could take over as head of  the  family, which he had no right to none of them did. He stabbed her 29 times in the stomach, and then set the house  on fire. She didn't die however, she just slept for 20 years. The same thing keeps happening over and over  again  only with very little different details. This has been  happening for over 200 hundred  years, and everytime there is always a scarlet red haired woman standing somewhere  in the Helsing  manor. If the house  was burned down, it was back as new the next day. Some say the house  is cursed, some say that it is the red haired woman, the witch. Some say she is trapped in  that house, and she actually  did die that day.

  Just so you know sometimes people do not survives her. Some people  just come and move  in, and take the Helsing  name for themselves. Every Time  she is there, and curses them to think she is part of  their family. She then loses memories of  her past, until a visions  come on  and show her the past. The visions  only come when family members  start to die, and  family  members  only start to die when either being horrible  to her, or trying  to  overthrow to become  the  head  of  the  family.End of vision) The visions are actually  memory's , or flashbacks whatever  you want to call them.

(Reality)  As I  finally come back to reality, all I can hear is  someone yelling my name. I get up, with help of the guard, I clutch to his arm to hold myself up because  my legs feel  so weak. I mumble to myself “I think I am a ghost or something.” I look  at Minerva and said “What are you doing here anyways? And do you know  what  happened  to my sister?” I  continued my act, not actually  caring about it anymore, bing to worried  about those visions.

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