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The year is 1934, New York City.

Joshua Dun wakes under his down comforter, and the arm of the one he loves. Blinking the sleep from his eyes he focuses them on the face of the man next to him, his nose almost touching his. He smiles, its Sunday, he remembers, and settles back into his arms.

Hes woken up again by the sound of his partner putting a record on. The scratch of vinyl against needle has him eager to hear what his love has picked

He hears the faint scratching and the intro to Wasting My Love On You flood through the small apartment.

The small man stretches his arms over his head and throws the covers aside, finding a pair of boxers, he walks out of the bedroom to see his partner drinking coffee in a chair by the balcony, eyes closed, breathing in the smoggy scent of the city he loves so.

Tyler looks up when he hears the creek of the floorboards under his loves feet.

"Good morning baby, we slept late today huh?"

"Sure did-" the curly haired boy says. Cutting himself off to stifle a yawn. He gestures to the mug in tylers hand, "any left for me?"
Tyler lept from his chair to pour his love a cup of coffee as well, while josh
walked to the large window in their living room, looking down on the city.

Tyler made his way to his darling, taking his place behind him, handing him his mug.

Joshua quietly thanked him as he felt tylers hand come around his waist and find its place on his lower stomach, gently holding the shorter man to his chest.

Tyler placed gentle kisses to the dark curls on his head as they look down onto the city below them, taking in the hussle and bussle of New York City on that late Sunday morning.

1934 - JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now